• 关于“不开心”的表达

    22-08-11 I feel really down/low about it all. 我对此感到非常失望。 Hes in very low spirits. 他情绪十分低落。 Hes in the depths of despair. 他失望透顶。 My heart sank when I saw him. 我看到他时心情一下子变得沉重。 They looked very down in the mouth/down in th...

  • high tea 吃得早的晚饭

    22-04-19 吃得早的晚饭在英语里叫什么?early dinner? 其实可以,不过它还有个更特有的名字,叫 high tea。这种说法尤其常见于英式英语。 目前这个概念慢慢在国内流行了起来,但很多人都把它和下午茶(afternoon tea)搞混了。 其实,下午茶是所谓的 low tea,吃的一般都是点心...

  • 今日全球油价近五年最低

    14-12-10 Global oil price has hit a five year low today. 今日全球原油价格达到近五年最低值。 Crude prices in the US slid 1-dollars-40-cents on the day to around 64-dollars per barrel. At the same time, Morgan Stanley is predicting oil prices could fall to as...

  • How could anyone stoop so low?

    09-09-30 Our manager at the restaurant where I worked was a much beloved, jovial man. But there was one subject you didn't dare discuss in front of him -- his height. or, should I say, his lack of it. One day, he stormed through the door and announced angril...

  • Low self-esteem leads to obesity 研究:自卑易导致肥胖

    09-09-11 Children with self-esteem problems are more likely to be obese as adults, a research team has found. 一个研究小组发现,有自卑心理问题的儿童易导致成年后肥胖。 A study of 6,500 participants in the 1970 British Birth Cohort Study found that 10-year-old...
