• 火箭队推春节特制款球衣

    15-01-30 Houston Rockets Owner Leslie Alexander announced Monday that the team will wear specially designed Lunar New Year uniforms to celebrate the Chinese New Year with its largest international fan base. The team will wear the uniforms on three occasions....

  • Leap Day 闰日

    12-11-09 Today is Leap Day and for centuries has been traditionally associated with the idea of romance reversal as women take to one knee to propose to their men. 今天是闰日,也是几个世纪以来形成传统的女子主动向男子求婚的日子。 文中的leap day(又名intercalar...

  • 美宇航局观测近期月球地质活动

    12-02-22 New images from NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) spacecraft show the moon's crust(外壳) is being stretched, forming minute valleys in a few small areas on the lunar surface. Scientists propose this geologic(地质的) activity occurred les...

  • 奥巴马发布农历龙年祝福

    12-01-29 US President Barack Obama on Thursday offered his best wishes to all those celebrating the Lunar New Year, calling it a time for celebration and hope. 美国总统贝拉克奥巴马本周四发表声明,向世界各地欢度农历龙年新年的人们表达新年祝福,并称这是欢庆和希...

  • “七夕”词汇

    11-08-31 Qixi Festival/Chinese Valentine's Day 七夕节 fruit plate 果盘 flower clogs 花木屐 an offering/a sacrifice 供品 a festive lantern/a decorative lantern 花灯 a palace lamp/light 宫灯 a candlestick/a candleholder 烛台 The Begging Festival 乞巧节 The Dau...

  • 首个阿耳特弥斯月球探测器进入预定轨道

    11-06-30 The first of two ARTEMIS (Acceleration, Reconnection, Turbulence and Electrodynamics of the Moon's Interaction with the Sun) spacecraft is now in its lunar orbit. On June 22, ARTEMIS P1 began firing its thrusters(推进器) to move out of its kidney-...

  • 日本地震与“超级月亮”无关

    11-03-26 上周六晚现身的超级月亮照亮了各国的夜空,同时也打破了其与日本地震相关的传言。 The rare lunar occurrence, when Earth's natural satellite is only a mere 356,575 kilometers out in orbit, brings the moon to its closest position to Earth. The 'maximal per...

  • 月球背面高地的形成分析

    10-11-12 A bulge(膨胀,凸出部分) of elevated topography(地势) on the farside of the moon--known as the lunar farside highlands--has defied explanation for decades. But a new study led by researchers at the University of California, Santa Cruz, shows that...

  • “嫦娥二号”卫星发射成功

    10-10-04 西昌卫星发射中心10月1日宣布,嫦娥二号卫星准确入轨,发射圆满成功。 Long March 3C rocket carrying China's second unmanned lunar probe, Chang'e-2, lifts off from the launch pad at the Xichang Satellite Launch Center in southwest China's Sichuan Provinc...

  • 发现:月球正在缩小

    10-08-28 The Man in the Moon has become the latest victim of contraction in the housing market. 月球人成为月球房地产市场紧缩的最新受害者。 A bird soars in front of a half moon near Glencoe, Ky., Monday, Aug. 16, 2010. Astronomers reporting on Thursday in the...