• irritable male syndrome 暴躁男性综合症

    22-10-12 是否遇到过点火就着的男同事或者男性朋友?难道他们每月也固定有那么几天心情不快?这其实是睾酮激素水平突然下降惹的祸。 Irritable male syndrome refers to anger and irritableness in men caused by a sudden drop in testosterone levels, particularly when bro...

  • 接种新冠疫苗不会影响受孕几率

    22-01-24 波士顿大学的一项研究显示,接种新冠疫苗不会影响一对夫妇的受孕几率,但是感染新冠病毒可能会损害男性的生育能力。研究人员对2000多对夫妇进行了研究得出此结论。该研究驳斥了关于疫苗的普遍误解,并向拒绝接种疫苗的男性发出提醒。 Getting vaccinated against Covid...

  • Hanfu 汉服

    21-05-18 汉服(Hanfu/ Han-style clothing),即汉民族传统服饰(the traditional dress of the Han Chinese people),又称汉衣冠、汉装(Hanzhuang)、华服(Huafu)。 外国人一般把中国传统服饰笼统称为Chinese silk robe,我们也可以将其翻译成Han costume或者Han Chinese...

  • 海洋污染物对雄性鼠海豚生殖能力有负面影响

    21-04-01 有长效危害的被禁工业化学品可能威胁到在英国附近生活的雄性鼠海豚的生殖能力。多氯联苯在几十年前就被逐渐淘汰了,但这种物质会在鲸鱼、海豚和鼠海豚的体内积聚。 PCBs were once used in everything from plastics to paints. They were banned in the 1980s, but th...

  • 长相英俊的男性找工作更易碰壁

    21-01-25 你可能会认为长相英俊帅气的男人在生活中有着天生的优势。但一项新的研究表明,美貌并不总是放之四海而皆准的标杆,至少在找工作时,美貌并不一定能帮得上忙。 Its not always an advantage to be pretty, says Marko Pitesa, an assistant professor at the Universit...

  • male chauvinist pig 男性沙文主义猪

    20-09-26 A male chauvinist pig (MCP) was a term used in the 1960s among some feminists for some men, usually men with some power (such as an employer or professor), who believed that men were superior and expressed that opinion freely in word and action. 男...

  • 75%男性表示留胡子感觉更自信

    20-01-23 According to a recent survey of 2,000 Americans, the vast majority of men feel better about themselves with some facial hair. Facial hair is so important to modern men that one in five say they would give up sex for a full year if it meant they coul...

  • 世界最后一头雄性北部白犀牛死亡

    18-03-20 The worlds only remaining male northern white rhino died on Monday aged 45 at Ol Pajeta Conservancy in northern Kenyas Laikipia County, officials confirmed on Tuesday. 世界仅存的一头雄性北部白犀牛周一在肯尼亚肯尼亚莱基皮亚郡奥佩杰塔自然保护区死亡,...