• 美国一位父亲在谷歌地图中看到离世儿子的图像

    13-11-30 美国一位名为理查德巴雷拉的父亲说他在谷歌地图图像中看到了他去世的儿子,尽管很模糊。 Google Maps is to remove an aerial image that shows the body of a 14-year-old boy, who was shot and killed in 2009. Richard Barrera, the boy's father, told San Franci...

  • 谷歌发布iPhone地图

    12-12-13 Google has released a native version of its Maps app for the iPhone. 谷歌发布本土版iPhone地图程序。 It follows Apple's switch to its own map software which stopped Google powering the handset's default app. The move was widely criticised after numer...

  • 鲨鱼靠“心理地图”导航

    11-03-02 Some shark species make mental maps of their home ranges, allowing them to pin-point destinations up to 50km (30 miles) away, research suggests. 研究显示,某些种类的鲨鱼对其活动范围制作出心理地图,这使它们可以精确达到50公里以外的目的地。 Tiger shark...

  • 英国冰川曾在冰河时期缩减

    11-02-13 A set of maps created by the University of Sheffield have illustrated, for the first time, how our last British ice sheet shrunk during the Ice Age. Led by Professor Chris Clark from the University's Department of Geography, a team of experts develo...

  • 另类欧洲地图受热捧

    10-09-25 一位保加利亚艺术家制作的一系列另类欧洲地图近来在网络上受到热捧。在这些地图中,每个国家和地区的名字都用别国国民对其固有的印象来标注,例如,在名为美国眼中的欧洲的地图上,法国被标注为气味难闻的人们,德国被标为下流的色情,而英国则被标为木乃伊。 Europe A...
