• double-talk 含糊其词

    22-07-15 double-talk 是什么意思 为了隐瞒事情真相而回避说出真实的想法。你问对方问题,对方的回答含糊其辞,模棱两可;或者一些政客在发言时会采用委婉、技巧性的说话方式来回绕圈子,这就叫double-talk。意思是似乎严肃认真却又含糊其词地说话、不知所云地说话。 例: She do...

  • Appreciate it.

    21-11-01 在美国,每次下公交车的时候,大家都会礼貌地对司机表示感谢,有次看到四个小哥鱼贯而出,每个人表达感谢的语句都不同。 除了常见的Thank you very much!,Thanks a lot!以外,就是Appreciate it! Appreciate it,完整意思就是: I appreciate what you have done for...

  • Stand by Me

    16-06-17 Stand by Me David St. John When the solace of angels is named, When the winds blister the academy, When the first lesions of winter light Scrawl their paths across the black sheet Of the bed beneath the skylight, When the algebras of my past repeat...

  • Fill me,Lord

    14-09-26 Fill me with the fruits of your Spirit, Lord. Fill me with love, so that I seek to understand and appreciate the rich variety and diversity of life that surrounds me. Fill me with joy, so that I celebrate your presence in each and every moment I am...

  • The End of It

    11-08-20 The End of It Kim Addonizio I have foresworn desire. I am become as a stink bug. Yea verily I am a roly poly. No more for me the hanky panky(把戏,花招) . I neither lick nor moan. I neither swallow nor spit. I'm through with all that. Moonlight on...

  • ME virus discovery raises hopes 慢性疲劳症研究获重大突破

    09-10-11 US scientists say they have made a potential breakthrough in understanding what causes the condition known as chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) or ME. 美国科学家称,他们已经发现导致慢性疲劳症的重大突破。 Some sufferers of ME have such severe symptoms t...

  • 私人专属时间 me time

    09-09-21 老听人说:做女人难,做个职业女性更难。这句话道出的事实估计很多人都会赞同。现代社会,到处都讲男女平等,男人要挣钱养家,女人也要分担经济压力。可是,家庭中的很多传统活计仍然是需要女人们来操持的,男人们周末在运动场上跟朋友撒汗的时候,女人可能在家里擦地...
