• 低疫苗接种率造成2015迪斯尼麻疹的爆发

    15-03-17 Inadequate vaccine coverage is likely a driving force behind the ongoing Disneyland measles outbreak, according to calculations by a research team at Boston Children's Hospital. Their report, based on epidemiological data and published online by JAM...

  • 欧洲国家需警惕麻疹爆发

    11-12-05 European countries need to act now to tackle measles outbreaks, the World Health Organization warns. 世界卫生组织警告,面对麻疹爆发,欧洲国家需要立即行动起来。 The WHO report says there were over 26,000 measles cases in 36 European countries from Ja...

  • 糖尿病感染率不断上升

    11-11-15 World citizen number 7 billion is less likely to die from infectious diseases like measles(麻疹) or even AIDS, and more likely to contract diabetes or other non-communicable diseases (NCDs), as they are now the leading causes of deaths globally. 1...

  • 麻疹细胞受体能用来治疗肿瘤

    11-08-26 Canadian researchers have discovered that a tumor cell marker is a receptor for measles(麻疹) virus, suggesting the possible use of measles virus to help fight cancer. Their findings appear in the Open Access journal PLoS Pathogens. Viruses cause...

  • 麻疹病毒蛋白的活动方式

    11-01-10 Mayo Clinic researchers have shown that proteins on the surface of a cell twist a viral protein(病毒蛋白) into position, allowing the virus to start infection and cause disease, all in a movement as graceful as a ballroom dance. The findings appea...

  • 改良麻疹病毒可能治愈小儿脑瘤

    10-05-27 The use of modified measles(麻疹) virus may represent a new treatment for a childhood brain tumor known as medulloblastoma(成神经管细胞瘤) , according to a new study appearing in Neuro-Oncology. Medulloblastoma is the most common malignant(恶性...
