• 常见的表达生气、沮丧、发怒的英语习语

    22-04-01 1. go bananas 发疯 Ill go bananas if you ask me that question one more time. 你要是再问这个问题,我就要疯了。 2. go nuts 抓狂 Weve got so many complaints today, I think Ill go nuts. 今天竟然有这么多人投诉,我简直要抓狂了。 3. lose it 情绪失控 When E...

  • make a mental note 记在心里

    21-10-28 表达 make a mental note 的意思是 试着记住一件事情。如果想说明要记在脑子里的事情具体是什么,可以说 make a mental note of something。 例句 I dont have a pen and paper at the moment, so Ill make a mental note of it. 我现在没有纸和笔,所以我会记在心里。...

  • 《困在时间里的父亲》 The Father (2020)

    21-05-07 Take dementia - a truly horrific mental condition which affects millions of people worldwide. An important topic, for sure, but not necessarily the kind of thing youd choose to watch a movie about after a hard day at work. 老年痴呆症这一影响着全球百...

  • 儿童因担心气候变化和环境而失眠

    20-11-21 BBC 少儿资讯频道与民调机构 Savanta-ComRes 合作,对 2000 名 8 至 16 岁的儿童进行了一项调查,结果显示,年轻人对地球的环境现状感到心灰意冷、焦虑不安。 Psychologists say that worries about the environment are affecting young peoples mental health. Child...

  • 书籍的力量

    20-09-19 For many of us, theres nothing better than burying our head in a good book. Whether its a gripping crime story or a biography of someones amazing life, its good to read a book to switch off from the distractions of everyday life and help us relax. M...

  • 长期自卑可能导致抑郁

    19-12-09 Low self-esteem makes us feel bad about ourselves. But did you know that over time it also can cause the development of serious mental conditions such as depression? 自卑让人自我感觉极差。你知道吗,长期自卑会导致抑郁等严重的精神问题。 Self-esteem is...

  • 研究:提前退休大脑可能会加速衰退

    19-11-12 Its hard to think of an early retirement as anything other than a positive. Who wouldnt want to trade in their suit and tie for a pair of beach shorts? While retiring ahead of schedule may be easier on the body, a new set of research has found that...

  • 中国缺少心理健康服务

    19-02-26 A new report is suggesting many Chinese people are still lacking access to proper mental health services, including basic knowledge, reports the China Youth Daily. 《中国青年报》报道,很多中国人仍然缺少适当的心理健康服务,包括基础知识。 The report c...

  • 妈宝男和爸宝女不太容易出现心理健康问题

    18-08-26 They may be the stereotypical butt of jokes. But mummys boys are less likely to suffer from poor mental health or unpopularity at school, research suggests. 这听上去像是老套的笑话,但研究显示,妈宝男不太容易出现心理健康问题,而且在学校人缘也不错。 A...

  • Listen to Your Inner Voice

    15-06-16 Very much, ever since you were brought into this world. When you coulden't open your mouth till the first two years on planet earth, inner voice is the one through which you interpreted and understood things. Inner voice is the voice mouth of the su...