• 点餐

    22-06-14 点餐时经常陷入This.Which?This.Which?的无限循环模式?翻开餐单,大方的表达自己喜好,或者让餐厅人员推荐特色菜品,在用餐的道路上你已经成功了一半! May I have a menu,please? 请给我菜单。 Do you have a Chinese menu? 是否有中文菜单? I am a Muslim, I cant...

  • 去餐厅需要的常用口语

    22-02-22 首先进入餐厅,你很有可能会看到这样的一个标志:Please wait to be seated. 看到这个标志的话,你就不要想着体谅服务生的忙碌自己找个位置就坐下了。乖乖地在门口等一会儿就会有人来接待你的。 服务生一般会先问你: Do you have a reservation? 请问你有预定吗? 如...

  • 独自去餐馆时需要了解的基本问题

    20-12-12 Waitperson: Hi. How are you doing this afternoon? 服务员:你好。今天下午过得怎么样? Customer: Fine, thank you. Can I see a menu, please. 顾客:很好,谢谢。我能看看菜单吗? Waitperson: Certainly, here you are. 服务员:当然可以,给你。 Customer: Than...

  • 伦敦第一家裸体餐厅今夏将开业

    16-05-02 Bon viveurs worried about spoiling their shirts at supper will be able strip off and feast in the nude when Londons first naked restaurant opens this summer. 担心在晚餐时弄脏衬衫的饕餮食客们可以放心了,,他们可以脱下衣服,裸体进餐了。 The Bunyadi, w...

  • 露天咖啡座常用词

    16-02-14 chair 椅子 paper cup 纸杯 ashtray 烟灰缸 muffin 松饼 cinnamon roll 肉桂卷 stirrer 搅拌棒 top 杯盖 chocolate 巧克力 menu 菜单 brown sugar 黄糖 napkin 餐巾 cream 泡沫 umbrella 伞 cup 杯子 saucer 杯垫 packet of sugar 糖包 table 桌子 white sugar 白糖...

  • The Gardener

    15-11-13 The Gardener Caitrona O'Reilly The menu warned that fish caught locally may contain dangerous levels of cadmium and isotopes -- or was it allotropes? -- I didn't care ... That night, after the lecture, I sweated through dinner with a clever man who...

  • 泰坦尼克号午餐菜单8.8万美元被拍卖

    15-10-18 The Titanic's last lunch menu, saved by a first-class passenger who climbed aboard a lifeboat whose crew was said to have been bribed to row away instead of rescue more people, sold at auction for $88,000 on Wednesday. 泰坦尼克号最后的午餐菜单上周三...

  • I am illiterate too

    14-09-03 Once Albert Einstein, the world-famous scientist, was traveling by train. At dinner time he went to the dining car. Menu in hand, he suddenly readlized that he had forgotten his glasses in his compartment. He shrugged. Unwilling to go back, he tried...

  • 《黑衣人3》六

    13-09-23 片段对白 Agent K: (A long pause) Have any specials? Agent J: My associate will have the same thing he always has after he looks at the menu for 10 minutes and asks about specials twice. He's gonna have a slice of apple pie with a nasty piece of ched...
