• 的黎波里机场遭火箭弹袭击

    14-07-15 Libya's main international airport has been hit by a new rocket attack a day after fighting forced it to close. 利比亚重要的国际机场遭新一轮的火箭弹袭击,此前一天的冲突已使该机场被迫关闭。 At least one person has died and 12 planes have been damaged...

  • 卡扎菲之子赛义夫被抓捕

    11-11-20 Colonel Gaddafi's son Saif al-Islam has been captured, Libyan officials say. 利比亚官员称,卡扎菲之子赛义夫已被抓捕。 He was taken by fighters near the southern town of Obari and flown to the city of Zintan in the north. Saif al-Islam told a journal...

  • 刚果某监狱近千名囚犯越狱

    11-09-08 Nearly 1,000 prisoners have escaped from a jail in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo after it was attacked by armed men, officials say. 刚果民众共和国官员称,东部一座监狱被武装人员袭击,将近1000名囚犯越狱。 The attackers wanted to free a militia...

  • 民主刚果两位“军事领袖”否认暴行

    09-11-25 Two alleged Congolese militia leaders have denied war crimes at the start of their trial at the International Criminal Court in The Hague. 两名被指称的刚果国民军首领在海牙国际刑事法庭审判开始的时候就否认了战争罪行。 Mathieu Ngudjolo Chui (L) and Ger...
