• "00后"用英语怎么说

    21-08-03 00后用英语怎么说呢? 我们常说的00后,其实有很多表达方法,最直白的就是the generation born in the 00s或者the generation after 00s。 The generation born after 00s is full of energies. 00后充满活力。 那么,80后、90后该怎么说呢? 最简单的说法和上面说过的...

  • millennials 千禧一代

    16-07-31 The millennials are a very different generation. They were born and bred at a time when Chinas economy and wealth were growing rapidly, so most have no memory of the hunger and instability experienced by their parents, said Zhang Lifen, a journalism...
