• 与monkey有关的俚语

    21-05-17 monkey business不靠谱行为 His wife could do nothing about his monkey business at the club. 他的太太对于他在俱乐部的不靠谱行为束手无策。 a monkey on ones back遇到了麻烦的事 This project is such a monkey on my back right now-I cant wait for it to be o...

  • monkey around 到处闲逛,无所事事

    21-05-17 monkey作名词是猴子的意思,但在这个口语表达中作动词用,说到猴子,给我们的印象就是上蹿下跳,一刻都停不下来。 所以,monkey around就有到处闲逛,无所事事的意思,而在具体语境中,还可以表达胡闹的意思。 It is dangerous to monkey around in the workshop. 在车...

  • DC将推出新超级英雄:猴王子

    21-04-15 据外媒报道,DC漫画公司(Detective Comics)将推出新的超级英雄:猴王子(Monkey Prince),据称其形象则来源于美猴王孙悟空。 To celebrate Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month, DC will debut an all-new hero within its commemorative anthology...

  • 关于动物的趣味俚语

    20-11-29 1 Monkey business silly, mischievous or deceitful behaviour; stupid or time-wasting activity 胡闹,恶作剧愚蠢、恶作剧或欺骗行为;愚蠢或浪费时间的活动 Our accountant has been fired as there was some monkey business with the books. 我们的会计被解雇了...

  • 世界首只体细胞克隆猴一周岁

    18-11-28 Zhong Zhong, the worlds first cloned monkey, had its first birthday on Tuesday. 世界首只体细胞克隆猴中中周二一周岁了。 The healthy primate is living with another cloned monkey named Hua Hua at the Chinese Academy of Sciences Institute of Neuroscienc...

  • 几个与猴子有关的短语

    17-03-21 monkey wrench 活动扳手 为什么将活动扳手称为monkey wrench?确切原因尚有争议。在实际应用中多少有种不正当行为的意味,如to throw a monkey wrench in the works(即是指一个工人在工作时不小心把螺旋钳掉到正在运转的机器中,使得机器停摆)。该词组及其变式相对于...

  • 与猴子相关的短语

    16-07-07 Make a monkey out of (someone) 让某人出丑、难堪 Monkey around with somebody or something 瞎捣鼓,闲晃 Monkey business 非法活动,骗人的把戏 A monkey on ones back 阻止某人成功的严重问题,历史问题 Monkey see, monkey do 有样学样 More fun than a barrel o...

  • 北美首批猴子化石在巴拿马运河出土

    16-04-21 Seven fossil teeth exposed by the Panama Canal expansion project are the first evidence of a monkey on the North American continent before the Isthmus of Panama connected it to South America 3.5 million years ago. A team including Carlos Jaramillo,...

  • babies born in the Year of Monkey 猴宝宝

    16-04-19 Chinese people have traditionally believed babies born in the Year of Monkey to be smart and confident, due to their love of the animal because it is cute and resembles humans in many ways. 中国人传统上认为猴宝宝聪明又自信,这出自大家对猴子的喜爱。...

  • Commemorative Year of the Monkey coins 猴币

    16-03-29 Commemorative Year of the Monkey coins was issued in Beijing on Jan 16, 2016. The commemorative coins have a 27 millimeters diameter and a denomination of 10 yuan. 2016年1月16日,北京预约兑换猴币。猴币直径27毫米,面值10元。 2016年贺岁普通纪念币,是...