• 云南建滇金丝猴保护网络

    19-07-17 Southwest Chinas Yunnan Province announced on Monday the establishment of a protection network for the provinces golden hair monkeys, also known as the black-and-white snub-nosed monkeys. 云南省周一宣布,将为滇金丝猴又名云南黑白仰鼻猴,建造一个保护...

  • 三只川金丝猴入住重庆公园

    19-01-28 Three golden snub-nosed monkeys from Chengdu arrived at the Chongqing Zoo and officially met the public on Saturday. 三只从成都来到重庆的川金丝猴周六正式与公众见面。 The species are mainly found in the provinces of Sichuan, Gansu, Shaanxi and Hubei....

  • 大众用猴子测试尾气遭批评

    18-02-03 Automaker Volkswagen has suspended a top executive in response to widespread public criticism over experiments in which monkeys were exposed to diesel exhaust. 汽车制造商大众利用猴子进行柴油尾气测试引发公众广泛批评,该公司为此将一名高管停职。 The co...

  • 动物园猴子的肠道细菌与人类类似

    16-09-01 A new study led by the University of Minnesota shows that monkeys in captivity lose much of their native gut bacteria diversity and their gut bacteria ends up resembling those of humans. The results suggest that switching to a low-fiber, Western die...

  • This Company is Like A Tree Full Of Monkeys

    15-09-14 This company is like a tree full of monkeys: all on different branches, at different levels. Some monkeys are climbing up, some down. The monkeys on top look down and see a tree full of smiling faces. The monkeys on the bottom look up and see nothin...

  • 咬断光缆 猕猴影响印度互联网发展

    15-04-10 Macaque monkeys appear to have become an unlikely roadblock in the development of internet services in the northern Indian city of Varanasi. 在印度北部城市瓦拉纳西,猕猴已经成为互联网服务发展道路上一个看似不可能出现的障碍。 The authorities in Varana...

  • 卷尾猴不会被高价品牌迷惑

    14-12-03 In at least one respect, Capuchin monkeys are smarter than humans -- they don't assume a higher price tag means better quality, according to a new Yale study appearing in the open-access journal Frontiers in Psychology. People consistently tend to c...

  • 宝石

    14-11-05 The mountains in the south of Yunnan teemed with precious stones. Since the mountains were high and steep. People could not climb up directly. In order to get the precious stones, the native people kept shooting at the monkeys, which were at the top...