• 纽约出现假僧人索捐赠

    16-07-03 New York City Buddhist leaders are sounding the alarm to tourists: Beware the fake monks. 纽约的佛教领袖们向游客发出警告:小心假僧人。 Men in orange robes claiming to be Buddhist monks are approaching visitors to some of the citys most popular attra...

  • Oliver Twist 雾都孤儿 - Chapter 38

    16-04-05 It was a dull, close, overcast summer evening. The clouds, which had been threatening all day, spread out in a dense and sluggish mass of vapour, already yielded large drops of rain, and seemed to presage a violent thunder-storm, when Mr. and Mrs. B...

  • 泰国近一半僧侣超重引关注

    16-03-25 Steps are being taken in Thailand to wean Buddhist monks off unhealthy food after a study suggested that almost half of them are overweight. 泰国正在采取各种措施帮佛教僧侣们改掉不健康的饮食习惯,因为已有调查表明,近一半的泰国僧侣超重。 Jongjit Angka...

  • 半日清闲

    15-07-28 One day, a high official wanted to amuse himself in a temple. His subordinates notified the monks in the temple three days in advance to prepare a good meal on time. So all the monks in the temple busied themselves with the preparation. The temple w...

  • Loot a Burning House 趁火打劫

    13-03-05 Loot a Burning House 趁火打劫 探源 Origin 英文:In the story of Journey to the West, Xuan Zang and his disciples embarked on a pilgrimage to India to obtain Buddhist scriptures. They passed through a temple on the way to their destination. The abbot...

  • 日本佛教组织为僧侣组织相亲会

    11-10-29 受人口老龄化和低出生率影响,日本很多寺庙近年开始面临香火传承危机。为了让寺庙后继有人,寺庙僧侣以及尚未婚配的僧侣子女纷纷参加由佛教宗派组织的相亲会,寻找伴侣。 Japan's Buddhist monks are taking action in their mission to find successors to their temp...
