• Shoe-Bar Stratton - Chapter 13

    21-02-24 The low-down, ornery liar! sputtered Bud Jessup, face flushed and eyes snapping. He told me to wait for them bolts if I had to stay here all day. I thought it was kinda funny hed let me waste all this time, but I didnt have no idea at all hed got me...

  • 糟糕的睡眠会影响你的心理健康

    21-02-23 我们每个人每天都需要足够的睡眠来保持和恢复体力。睡眠不足所带来的负面影响有哪些?一项研究发现缺觉不仅会影响我们的身体健康而且还会给我们的心理健康造成危害。 How much sleep do you need? Do you find that if you dont get enough shut-eye and wake up feeli...

  • 新应用可检测面部表情推荐最佳食物

    16-12-09 A new app which monitors facial expressions to assess mood and then suggests the perfect food to lift the spirits, or quell anxiety, has been developed by scientists at Oxford University. 牛津大学的科学家们近日研发出一款新应用,它能通过检测面部表情...

  • 哈罗德

    16-02-22 Thomas and Alfred were two best friends. Whenever it got hot, they would take their cows up to a cool, green pasture in the mountains. Usually they stayed there with the cows all summer. The work there in the mountains was easy, but really boring. A...

  • The Mood Ring

    15-09-14 My husband bought me a mood ring the other day. When I'm in a good mood, it turns green. When I'm in a bed mood, it leaves a red mark on his foehead....

  • 10种可以考虑扔掉东西

    15-02-23 The first step to taking care of yourself and de-stressing is to make sure that your environment is in order. Seeing your house full of clutter can affect your mood negatively and make your personal space seem like a place you want to escape from, r...

  • underhappy 高兴未满

    15-02-15 Underhappy refers to a mood that is not as happy as one ought or would like to be. The phrase is coined to describe an in-between state between being happy and unhappy. 高兴未满指的不是很高兴的一种欠佳的情绪状态,是介于高兴和不高兴之间的情绪状态。 E...

  • 蓝色光的生物效应

    14-10-22 Blue light can both set the mood and set in motion important biological responses. Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania's School of Medicine and School of Arts and Sciences have teased apart the separate biological responses of the human ey...

  • happy drink 快乐饮料

    14-09-25 Happy drink is a fun, strong, alcoholic drink to put you in a happy mood, such as margeritas and mojitos. 快乐饮料是一种让人心情变好的有趣的烈性酒精饮料,比如玛格丽特鸡尾酒和莫吉托鸡尾酒。 Example: Hey I'm going to jump in the shower, why don't you...

  • 某情绪稳定药可用于治疗急性肾损伤

    14-01-13 A mood stabilizer used to treat bipolar affective disorders may also help treat acute kidney injury, according to a study appearing in an upcoming issue of the Journal of the American Society of Nephrology (JASN). The findings are significant becaus...