• 2020年成都将发射“人造月亮”

    18-10-18 Southwestern Chinas city of Chengdu plans to launch its illumination satellite, also known as the artificial moon, in 2020. 成都计划于2020年发射照明卫星,也称人造月亮。 Wu made the remarks at a national mass innovation and entrepreneurship activity...

  • 科学家证实月球两极有冰存在

    18-08-23 Scientists said Tuesday they have confirmed the existence of ice on the Moons surface for the first time. 科学家周二表示,他们已首次确定月球表面有冰存在。 Signs of ice on the Moon have been reported by scientists for years, but previous observations...

  • 中国公布月球探测器外形

    18-08-16 Chinas State Administration of Science, Technology, and Industry for National Defense has unveiled the rover for Chinas Change 4 lunar exploration mission. 中国国家国防科技工业局公开嫦娥四号月球探测任务所使用的探测器。 Change 4 lander and rover will...

  • 中国发射中继卫星用于探测月球背面

    18-05-21 China launched a relay satellite early Monday to set up a communication link between Earth and the planned Change-4 lunar probe that will explore the mysterious far side of Moon. 周一早间,中国发射一颗中继卫星用于在地球与计划发射的嫦娥四号月球探测器...

  • 俄罗斯计划送宇航员上月球

    18-04-13 Russia is actively implementing a lunar program through 2030, aiming to send astronauts to the moon, President Vladimir Putin said Thursday, Russias Cosmonautics Day. 俄罗斯总统普京在周四宇航节上表示,俄罗斯正在积极实施登月项目,计划2030年送宇航员上...

  • 嫦娥四号让花朵在月球开放

    18-04-12 Chinas Change-4 lunar probe is expected to do many things unprecedented in space history after its launch later this year, such as touching down softly on the far side of the Moon and taking the first flowers to blossom on the lifeless lunar surface...

  • 2018中国将进行35次太空发射任务

    18-01-04 China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC) said Wednesday that the corporation would conduct 35 launches in 2018. 中国航天科技集团公司周三表示,2018年该公司将会开展35次发射任务。 The missions include the launches of the Change-4 lunar...

  • 特朗普签署太空政策指令 重返月球

    17-12-12 U.S. President Donald Trump on Monday signed his administrations first space policy directive, formally directing the U.S. space agency NASA to send astronauts back to the moon and eventually Mars. 美国总统特朗普周一签署任职后第一份太空政策指令,正...

  • 中国科学家计划在月球上种番茄

    17-06-14 Scientists in China have unveiled multiple tasks they plan to carry out as part of the lunar exploration program at the just-concluded Global Space Exploration Conference (GLEX 2017) in Beijing. 刚刚结束的2017北京全球太空探索会议上,中国科学家展示了...

  • 中国公布嫦娥5号降落地点

    17-06-07 Chinas Change 5 lunar probe is expected to land in the Mons Rumker region, and to take moon samples back to earth at the end of the year, according to a Chinese space official. 中国嫦娥5号月球探测器预计将降落在吕姆克山地区,并将于年底前带标本返回地...