• 山西太原一款醋味月饼成爆款

    22-09-15 小饼如嚼月,中有酥与饴!中秋节少不了月饼,自然也少不了各大派系月饼来掐架,五仁馅的好吃,还是鲜肉馅的美味,似乎永远是个问题。 As Mid-Autumn Festival approaches, people are looking for their favorite mooncakes with different fillings. Some like sweet...

  • Mooncake tax 月饼税

    12-05-14 Mooncake tax became a buzz phrase on the Internet after the Beijing newspaper the Mirror Evening News reported on the ramifications of the tax changes on Friday. 自从上周五北京《法制晚报》报道这项税收政策新变化后,月饼税立即成了网上热议的一个词。 所...
