• Obamuscoronatus 奥巴马之环

    22-09-27 加利福尼亚大学河滨分校古生物学家Pete Dzaugis和Mary Droser,还有一些其他人,将一种环面形状有机体化石命名为Obamuscoronatus。这表示这种有机体是五亿年前面包圈形状而底部固定的生物。 显然,有机体的环面形状不仅仅像个面包圈。Coronatus表示冠冕或花环,指的是...

  • 蜡螟能生物降解最难分解和最常使用的塑料:聚乙烯

    17-05-06 A caterpillar that munches on plastic bags could hold the key to tackling plastic pollution, scientists say. 科学家们称,一种吃塑料袋的毛虫或可成为解决塑料污染的关键。 Researchers at Cambridge University have discovered that the larvae of the moth,...

  • 中国发现新品种黄刺蛾

    13-06-05 The moth genus Monema is represented by medium-sized yellowish species. The genus belongs to the Limacodidae family also known as the slug moths due to the distinct resemblance of their caterpillars(毛毛虫) to some slug species. Some people know t...

  • 某种蜡螟可听到300千赫的声音

    13-05-09 Researchers at the University of Strathclyde have discovered that the greater wax moth is capable of sensing sound frequencies of up to 300kHz the highest recorded frequency sensitivity of any animal in the natural world. Humans are only capable of...

  • Butterfly Insights

    12-09-20 A marvelous(了不起的) lesson appeared for me just now as I was exiting through the garage. As I opened the garage door, I startled a large moth, which, upon spreading its wings, displayed a bright red tail hidden by the motley(杂色的) brown wing...

  • 英国发现新蛾类

    10-04-29 A moth new to science and found nowhere else in the world has been formally recognised as living in the UK. 科学发展史上首次发现一种全新飞蛾,该蛾类目前只发现于英国。 The type specimen The 3mm-long micro moth, which lives in Hembury Woods in Devon,...
