• 错失恐惧症

    21-02-25 你是不是狂热地追赶时尚?在我们当中有很多人迷恋最新的手机游戏和玩具,以至于沉浸在这些游戏的虚幻世界中。我们为什么会迷恋虚拟游戏和昙花一现的潮流呢? Have you got an addictive nature? Are you unable to stop yourself joining in with the latest obsession...

  • 化妆品的小秘密

    20-12-09 Have you ever gone out without putting your face on? Whether its a dash of foundation or a full application of lipstick, blusher or mascara, many would consider make-up essential before being seen. According to a survey by Fragrance Direct, a leadin...

  • 保护生物多样性及生态系统的成本惊人

    20-11-23 Somewhere between $103 billion and $895 billion a year that is how much funding will be needed to bend the curve on global nature loss, according to several recent estimates. 最近的几份估算研究显示,要想扭转全球生态损失的曲线,每年的花费将达到1030亿...

  • 治疗心理疾病的天然疗法

    20-10-25 The great outdoors: its the place to head for when youre in need of peace and quiet, open spaces, beautiful scenery and exercise. Whether a huge mountain range or a local country park, these natural areas are a perfect tonic for our stressed-out liv...

  • 野生动物在新冠肺炎疫情封锁期间的生活

    20-10-11 Theres plenty of video evidence on social media that wildlife might benefit from lockdown. And while its been for tragic, costly reasons, weve pushed the pause button on human activity all over the world. 社交媒体上有大量的视频证据表明,野生动物可能...

  • Jo's Boys - Charter 13

    20-09-16 I dont expect to hear from Emil yet, and Nat writes regularly, but where is Dan? Only two or three postals since he went. Such an energetic fellow as he is could buy up all the farms in Kansas by this time, said Mrs Jo one morning when the mail came...

  • 和自然(Nature)相关的名人名言

    20-03-12 I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived. -Henry David Thoreau And the day cam...

  • 两只人工喂养的大熊猫将被放归自然

    18-12-25 Two human-raised pandas are ready to be sent into the wild in Sichuan Province after undergoing two years of training to prepare them to survive in the wild. 两只人工喂养的大熊猫将被放归自然,它们为此曾经过两年的野外生存训练。 The juvenile pandas, Q...

  • 无意识的随手涂鸦能看出性格

    18-01-23 Waiting on a phone call with a pen in your hand? Bored on a train? Chances are youll doodle. 等电话的时候一手拿着笔?火车上无聊想打发时间?很可能你会随手涂涂鸦。 Consultant Graphologist Tracey Trussell has analysed the most common doodles and their...

  • 北大校内将建小型自然保护区

    17-10-19 Peking University in Beijing is officially reviewing a proposal to set up a mini nature reserve on the campus to protect the ecosystem, reports the Beijing Youth Daily. 《北京青年报》报道,北京大学正在考虑一项在校内建立一座小型自然保护区以保护生态环...