• A Mens-Only Weight Loss Program

    15-05-21 A guy calls a company and orders their 5-day, 10 lb. weight loss program. The next day, there's a knock on the door and there stands before him a voluptuous, athletic, 19 year old babe with a sign around her neck. She introduces herself as a represe...

  • text neck 短信脖

    15-05-13 As we tap away for extended periods of texting, browsing and tweeting, we could be putting ourselves at risk of getting text neck . 长时间发短信、浏览网页和发微博,我们可能患上短信脖。 A newly coined condition - text neck - reveals that slumping ove...

  • 英国公司推出颈部除皱霜

    15-01-14 It is one of the downsides of the technological age...the premature wrinkling around the neck suffered by those who constantly look down at their smartphones and tablets. 这是科技时代的消极面之一,常常盯着智能手机和平板电脑的人深受过早出现的颈部皱纹...

  • tech neck 技术脖

    14-09-25 Experts in non-surgical facelifts say tilting your head down to use phones, iPads and computers can leave wrinkles on your throat and neck, a condition being called tech neck '. 非手术面部除皱护理专家表示,低头看手机、平板和电脑会导致颈部出现皱纹,...

  • 鸟类转动脖子时血液照常流动的奥秘

    13-02-01 Medical illustrators and neurological imaging experts at Johns Hopkins have figured out how night-hunting owls can almost fully rotate their heads -- by as much as 270 degrees in either direction -- without damaging the delicate blood vessels in the...

  • Phone neck 电话脖

    11-06-14 Phone neck refers to neck pain caused by holding a telephone between one's shoulder and ear for extended periods. It is one of the modern white-collar ailments. 电话脖(phone neck)指把电话夹在肩膀和耳朵之间很长时间引起的颈部疼痛,是现代白领病的一种...

  • 特兰西瓦尼亚裸颈鸡脖子缘何不长毛

    11-03-16 Its head looks like a turkey, its body resembles a chicken now scientists can explain why one of the poultry(家禽) world's most curious specimens has developed such a distinctive look in next week's issue of the online, open access journal PLoS Bi...

  • 树懒颈椎骨因何独特

    10-10-19 By examining the development of bones in the vertebral column(脊柱) , limbs, and ribcage(胸腔) , scientists at the University of Cambridge have discovered how sloths(树懒) evolved their unique neck skeleton. From mice to giraffes(长颈鹿) , m...

  • 职业女性需警惕患上“电脑脸”

    10-10-04 A growing number of women are developing something called 'computer face', a leading cosmetic surgeon said. 一位权威整容外科医生指出,越来越多的女性正在患上一种被称作电脑脸的症状。 Dr Michael Prager said professionals who worked long hours in front...

  • 研究:过度发短信可导致肩颈疼痛

    09-11-11 The world record for fastest text message typing is held by a 21-year old college student from Utah, but his dexterous(灵巧的) digits could mean serious injury later on. Most adults aged 18-21 prefer texting over e-mail or phone calls, and ergonom...