• 10个描述各种人的习惯用语 上

    22-03-22 1. nerd和jock是美国学生常用的两个俗语。 nerd的意思和汉语中的书呆子类似。这类人聪明勤奋,但却过于保守严肃,在校园里颇让人瞧不起。jock则恰恰相反。他们魁梧帅气,很受女孩子们的欢迎,尤其擅长American football和basketball等各种体育运动。当然,校园中也不乏...

  • A Nerd, a Nude, and a Bike

    15-10-21 A nerd was walking on campus one day when his friend, another nerd, rode up on an incredible shiny new bicycle. The first nerd was stunned and asked, Where did you get such a nice bike? The second nerd replied, Well, yesterday I was walking home min...
