• Under the Lilacs - Chapter 14

    21-01-21 Putting all care behind them, the young folks ran down the hill, with a very lively dog gambolling beside them, and took a delightfully tantalizing survey of the external charms of the big tent. But people were beginning to go in, and it was impossi...

  • red-eye flight 红眼航班

    20-12-26 A red-eye flight is any flight departing late at night and arriving early the next morning. The term red-eye, common in North America, derives from the fatigue symptom of having red eyes, which can be caused or aggravated by late-night travel. Insid...

  • Rose In Bloom - Chapter 21

    20-12-20 Dr. Alec had not arrived, but bad tidings had, as Rose guessed the instant her eyes fell upon Aunt Plenty, hobbling downstairs with her cap awry, her face pale, and a letter flapping wildly in her hand as she cried distractedly: Oh, my boy! My boy!...

  • 一项研究用卫星测量城市光污染源

    20-12-02 一项在每天凌晨1点30分进行的、持续了10晚的实验揭示了污染夜空的人造光的主要来源。 As well as obscuring our view of a naturally dark night sky with that all-too-familiar glow, artificial light can disrupt our sleep and affect our health. It also affect...

  • 愿得一人心,白首不分离

    20-08-31 After spending nearly every waking minute with Angel for eight straight days, I knew that I had to tell her just one thing. So late at night, just before she fell asleep, I whispered it in her ear. She smiled the kind of smile that makes me smile ba...

  • 中国成人睡眠时间居世界前茅

    19-03-22 Chinese adults are among the longest sleepers in the world, with an average of 7.1 hours of sleep on weeknights and 8.5 hours of sleep on weekend nights, according to a global survey. 一项全球调查显示,中国成年人的睡眠时间在世界最长之列,工作日夜晚...

  • 我们睡着之后身体都在忙些啥

    18-04-21 1. KEEPING TIME You might be asleep but your hypothalamus is not. Its carefully keeping time for you as part of your circadian rhythm. This not only helps you feel tired so that you go to sleep with the release of melatonin, but a protein called PER...

  • 晚上洗澡好处更多

    18-04-21 When it comes to showering, most people do it either first thing in the morning or right before bed. 说到洗澡,大多数人要么是早上一起床就洗澡,要么是上床睡觉前洗澡。 Advice on the proper time to bathe has varied with some experts saying a shower at...

  • 快速入睡最好的方法

    17-10-11 1. Make Your Bedroom Pitch Black Our brain associate darkness with night, and light with day. Being in a bright room filled with screens decreases melatonin production and makes your body believe its daytime. 2. Make Your Bedroom Quiet Sounds can al...

  • 《爱乐之城》精彩语句

    17-07-07 1. Its gonna be a bunch of social climbers. 肯定又是一群攀高枝的。 2. You got ripped off. 你是被宰。 3. Everybody knew that guy was shady, except for you. 所有人都知道那人名声不好,除了你。 4. You are acting like lifes got me on the ropes. 你觉得生...