• 《消失的爱人》精彩词句

    23-01-30 1. What type are you? Corn-fed, salt-of-the-earth Missouri guy. 你是什么类型的人?朴实的密苏里州正派人。 2. Amy, you know what would make dads night. 艾米,你知道今晚怎么做会让父亲高兴。 3. Is she kind of standoffish? 她是不是有点冷漠? 4. Sir, please...

  • 《爱乐之城》精彩词句

    23-01-30 1. Its gonna be a bunch of social climbers. 肯定又是一群攀高枝的。 2. You got ripped off. 你是被宰。 3. Everybody knew that guy was shady, except for you. 所有人都知道那人名声不好,除了你。 4. You are acting like lifes got me on the ropes. 你觉得生...

  • 《冰雪奇缘》第12章

    23-01-29 Together, Kristoff, Sven, and Anna walked through the night. As dawn crept over the horizon, the three travelers found themselves on the rim of a mountain. Looking down, they could see Arendelle in the distance. But it wasnt the summertime view they...

  • round the clock 夜以继日

    22-12-26 夜以继日,汉语成语,意思是指晚上连着白天,日夜不停。形容加紧工作或学习。可以翻译为round the clock,day and night等。 例句: 他夜以继日地学习,准备历史考试。 He studied round the clock for his history exam....

  • mud in your eyes 祝你好运

    22-08-26 1. Have at you! 如果外国夫妇请你到家里吃饭,看着一桌丰盛的酒席,你问他们可以开始吃了吗,他们通常会说Sure. Have at it.(当然,吃吧)。当两个小孩子在相互追逐玩乐,互相打斗的时候,一个通常会主动碰了一下另一个,然后说哈哈,打到你了!,翻译过来就是Have a...