• 湿地可长期吸收硝酸盐

    15-05-13 Wetlands created 20 years ago between tile-drained agricultural fields and the Embarras River were recently revisited for a new two-year University of Illinois research project. Results show an overall 62 percent nitrate removal rate and little emis...

  • 氮元素显著影响蝴蝶兰的生长

    14-03-27 The Phalaenopsis orchid, also known as the moth orchid, is the most important pot flower(盆花) in terms of market value in the world's major floriculture(花卉栽培) markets. Because nitrogen significantly affects the growth and flowering of Phala...

  • 海洋的演变史及堪忧的未来

    13-06-16 The ocean the Titanic sailed through just over 100 years ago was very different from the one we swim in today. Global warming is increasing ocean temperatures and harming marine food webs. Nitrogen run-off from fertilizers is causing coastal dead zo...

  • 氮污染改变了落基山国家公园内植被

    12-07-06 A new study led by the University of Colorado Boulder indicates air pollution in the form of nitrogen compounds emanating from power plants, automobiles and agriculture is changing the alpine vegetation(高山植被) in Rocky Mountain National Park. T...
