• 十月份值得一看的5部电影

    21-10-09 Dune《沙丘》 Now at last we have a big-screen Dune that may actually do justice to Frank Herberts science-fiction novel. Directed by Denis Villeneuve (Blade Runner 2049, Arrival), this is a sombre, sweeping epic which runs for 155 minutes and still...

  • 人文知识综合练习 1

    21-10-09 1.Which of the folowing is NOT a compound word? A. Landlady B. Greenhouse C. Uplift D. Unacceptable [题解]D 属derivation 2.The word holiday originally meant holy day; but now the word signifies any day on which we dont have to work. This is an examp...

  • 美国文学

    21-10-09 1. The Old Man and the Sea is one of the great works by ____. A. Jack London B. Charles Dickens C. Samuel Coleridge D. Ernest Hemingway 2. In which novel can Yahoo be found? A. John Bunyans Pilgrims Progress B. Edmund Spencers The Faerie Queen C. Jo...

  • 美国文学知识

    21-10-04 1. The Old Man and the Sea is one of the great works by ____ A. Jack London B. Charles Dickens C. Samuel Coleridge D. Ernest Hemingway 2. In which novel can Yahoo be found? A. John Bunyans Pilgrims Progress B. Edmund Spencers The Faerie Queen C. Jon...

  • 描述少儿读物种类的英语词汇

    21-10-02 国际儿童读物联盟(International Board on Books for Young People)把每年的四月二日定为国际儿童图书日。这一天也是著名童话作家安徒生的诞辰日。儿童读物的种类有很多,比如,童话、寓言、漫画等。你知道它们用英语怎么说吗?通过做下面的测验,来学习这些说法吧。...

  • branch out 另辟天地

    21-08-30 当某人 branching out 的时候,就是说他在另辟天地,尝试一个新的或者不同的方式或领域。 例句 Jane has been working as a journalist since she left university but now shes branching out and writing a novel. The supermarket has branched out and started sel...

  • one-trick pony 一招鲜

    21-07-14 什么是懂得一招的小马驹?这个口语表达原指杂技团里经过训练后,只会变一种戏法的小马。现在,我们常用它来形容仅有一技之长的人或只具有一种特色的事物,带有戏谑的语气,类似于汉语里说的一招鲜或黔驴技穷的人。在这里,名词 trick 的意思是戏法、把戏。 例句 The wr...

  • vivid and lifelike 栩栩如生

    21-05-20 栩栩如生,汉语成语,通常比喻画作、雕塑中的艺术形象等生动逼真,就像活的一样。可以翻译为vivid and lifelike,或true to life。 例句: 他画的奔马栩栩如生。 The galloping horses he paints are extremely lifelike. 这部小说把历史写得栩栩如生。 The novel has...

  • 几本高分寓言书

    21-05-12 人生总有迷茫、困惑的时候,每次觉得难以渡过时读一本好的寓言书往往可以带你脱离困境,乐观地看待生活,直面未来。今天我们就给大家推荐几本高分寓言书,让我们感受那些令人震撼的精神内核! 《你在天堂里遇见的五个人》 The Five People You Meet in Heaven 米奇阿尔...

  • 适合学英语的5本英文经典名著

    21-03-12 第一本:《傲慢与偏见》 Pride and Prejudice Pride and Prejudice is kind of a literary Rosetta Stone, the inspiration, basis, and model for so many modern novels. Youre probably more familiar with its plot and characters than you think. For a book wri...