• oceans of people 人山人海

    22-09-29 人山人海,汉语成语,指人群如山似海,形容人聚集得非常多。可以翻译为oceans of people,a sea of people或huge crowds of people等。 例句: 大厅里人山人海,简直无法走动。 The hall is so crowded that there is scarcely sufficient room for one to move. 广场...

  • 酸化海洋将威胁海洋生物

    21-04-07 最新研究称,现代社会排放的二氧化碳不仅是全球气候变暖的主要原因,更是增加了海洋的酸性,进而威胁海洋生命。科学家研究了酸化海洋对不同生命阶段的海洋生物的影响以及其对海洋食物链的影响。 CO2 emissions are warming the planet. Theyre also being soaked up by...

  • 2050年海洋中的塑料垃圾将超过鱼类

    16-01-28 There will be more plastic than fish in terms of weight in the world's oceans by 2050, the World Economic Forum warned Tuesday. 1月19日,世界经济论坛发出警告:到2050年,世界各大海洋中的塑料垃圾总重量将超过海中鱼类。 Plastic has become one of the wor...

  • 北墨西哥湾发现一种新的深海鱼类

    15-08-07 They are some of the most interesting and unique creatures in the oceans - deep-sea life. Most people can identify a shark or sea turtle or whale, but many are shocked to see what a lanternfish or oarfish looks like. Deep-sea creatures can be down-r...