• 人类具有辨别一万亿种气味的能力

    14-03-24 In a world perfumed by freshly popped popcorn and exhaust fumes, where sea breezes can mingle with the scents of sweet flowers or wet paint, new research shows that humans are capable of discriminating at least one trillion different odors. Howard H...

  • 植物也有“嗅觉”

    12-03-06 People and animals are not the only ones who can smell. Plants are also able to perceive odors(气味) , but they process them in a very different way . While insects or mammals smell odors within a second of exposure, plants require much longer exp...

  • 可“嗅到光线”的老鼠有助于深入了解嗅觉

    10-10-18 Harvard University neurobiologists have created mice that can smell light, providing a potent(有效的,强有力的) new tool that could help researchers better understand the neural basis of olfaction(嗅觉) . The work, described this week in the jou...
