• 下马威

    21-11-19 下马威,原指官吏初到任时对下属显示的威风(severity shown by an official on assuming office),后泛指一开始就向对方显示自己的威力(head-on blow at the first encounter)。 常用表达给对手一个下马威,英文可以翻译为prevail over the opponent from the very...

  • 麻将词汇 上

    16-07-07 麻将:mah-jong, mah-jongg 棋牌室:Chess Poker Room 筒子:the circle tiles 索子:the bamboo tiles 万子:the character tiles 番子:the honor tiles 花牌:flower tiles 上:claiming a tile to match a sequence 碰:claiming a tile to match a triplet 杠:cl...

  • pwned 一败涂地

    15-11-11 Pwned means to be utterly defeated by an opponent or to be defeated by a superior power. Pwned(一败涂地)是被对手彻底打败或被一股超强力量击败的意思。 This informal term is used more often in video gaming, and supposedly resulted from a common misty...

  • 郑人争年龄大小

    14-06-10 Two people from the state of Zheng were arguing with each other about who was older. One of them said, I am as old as Emperor Yao. The other one said, I am the same age with Emperor Huang's elder brother. None of them would give in and what they sai...
