• 2021年前中国将发射四颗新气象卫星

    17-11-15 China plans to put four more Fengyun-3 meteorological satellites into orbit between 2018 and 2021, China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASTC) announced Wednesday. 中国航天科技集团公司周三宣布,中国计划在2018年至2021年间再发射四颗风云...

  • 天舟1号货运飞船进入独立操作状态

    17-06-22 After flying with the Tiangong-2 space lab for about two months, Chinas Tianzhou-1 cargo spacecraft on Wednesday separated from the space lab and entered a stage of independent operation. 中国天舟1号货运飞船与天宫2号太空实验室飞行两个月之后在周三分...

  • 新发现的行星HD 131399Ab有三个太阳

    16-07-11 If you thought Luke Skywalkers home planet, Tatooine, was a strange world with its two suns in the sky, imagine this: a planet where youd either experience constant daylight or enjoy triple sunrises and sunsets each day, depending on the seasons, wh...

  • 太阳系中存在第九颗行星

    16-01-28 Researchers are now pretty certain there's a ninth planet in the solar system. 研究人员如今相当确定,太阳系中存在着第九颗行星。 Konstantin Batygin and Mike Brown, two CalTech scientists, say the new planet is about 10 times the mass of Earth and has...

  • 天文学家发现第九颗行星存在的证据

    16-01-21 Caltech researchers have found evidence of a giant planet tracing a bizarre, highly elongated orbit in the outer solar system. The object, which the researchers have nicknamed Planet Nine, has a mass about 10 times that of Earth and orbits about 20...

  • 迄今发现拥有最宽运行轨道的脉冲星

    15-05-04 A team of highly determined high school students discovered a never-before-seen pulsar by painstakingly analyzing data from the National Science Foundation's (NSF) Robert C. Byrd Green Bank Telescope (GBT). Further observations by astronomers using...

  • 爱丽丝摄谱仪获得彗星表面的远紫外光谱

    14-09-16 NASA's Alice ultraviolet (UV) spectrograph aboard the European Space Agency's Rosetta comet orbiter has delivered its first scientific discoveries. Rosetta, in orbit around comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, is the first spacecraft to study a comet up...

  • 地球运行轨道变化引发冰河时代

    13-08-15 For more than a century scientists have known that Earth's ice ages are caused by the wobbling(摆动,颤抖) of the planet's orbit, which changes its orientation to the sun and affects the amount of sunlight reaching higher latitudes, particularly t...

  • intended orbit 预定轨道

    12-08-29 Scientists are working to rekindle the Russia-China joint Mars probe after the spacecraft failed to enter the intended orbit on day one. 在首日飞行器未能进入预定轨道后,科学家正抢修中俄航天合作项目火星探测器的发动机。 文中的intended orbit就是指预定...

  • 奥德赛成为服役时间最长的在轨火星探测器

    10-12-10 LOS ANGELES, Dec. 9 (Xinhua) -- NASA's Mars Odyssey orbiter will have worked longer at Mars than any other spacecraft in history, the Jet Propulsion Laboratory ( JPL喷气推进实验室 ) announced on Thursday. On Dec. 15, the 3,340th day since that arriv...