• 有机食物与非有机食物

    20-03-11 这些天来有机食物非常流行,而且也很贵。有些有机食物的价格可能是同类非有机食物的两倍。年轻孩子的父母,甚至一些宠物的主人可能会花高价买有机食物要是他们认为这更健康的话。但也有很多其他人认为有机食物只是浪费钱罢了。 Organic food is very popular these day...

  • 伊利欲8.5亿美元收购Stonyfield

    17-05-12 Chinese food and dairy company Inner Mongolia Yili Industrial announced on Wednesday that it plans to bid for Danones entire stake in US organic yogurt business Stonyfield for about $850 million. 中国食品奶制品企业内蒙古伊利集团周三宣布,计划8.5亿美...

  • 土卫六上的化学元素

    16-07-07 NASAs Cassini and Huygens missions have provided a wealth of data about chemical elements found on Saturns moon Titan, and Cornell scientists have uncovered a chemical trail that suggests prebiotic conditions may exist there. Titan, Saturns largest...

  • 星际空间中探测到手性分子

    16-06-16 Like a pair of human hands, certain organic molecules have mirror-image versions of themselves, a chemical property known as chirality. These so-called handed molecules are essential for biology and have intriguingly been found in meteorites on Eart...