• 出境游有序恢复提振全球对中国经济的信心与期待

    23-07-06 海内外人士表示,中国出境游有序恢复并迅速回暖,展现中国经济活力与潜力,有利于重振全球旅游市场,带动旅游目的地消费及整体经济增长前景。随着中国优化调整防疫政策,中国经济增长潜力进一步释放,为全球经济复苏注入更多信心。 Chinese passengers are welcomed by...

  • 2016中国游客境外消费2610亿美元

    17-07-06 The overall market for Chinese outbound tourism has maintained an upward trend, with its effect on world tourism becoming ever more clear, according to a new survey. 一项新调查显示,中国出境游整体市场保持上升趋势,这对世界旅游业的影响变得更加清晰。...

  • 端午假期出境游同比增长7.2%

    17-05-31 Chinese tourists made 2.71 million outbound trips during the three-day Dragon Boat Festival holiday, up 7.2 percent year on year, official data showed Tuesday. 官方数据显示,端午节三天小长假有271万人出国旅游,年同比增长7.2%。 The most popular overse...

  • outbound direct investment 对外直接投资

    16-04-19 Chinas non-financial outbound direct investment (ODI) reached some $12.02 billion in Jan., which is 18.2% higher than Jan. 2015, said the Ministry of Commerce. 商务部指出,我国1月非金融类对外直接投资(ODI)达到120.2亿美元,同比增长18.2%。 对外直接投...
