• 臭氧变薄影响了海洋环流

    13-02-01 A hole in the Antarctic ozone layer has changed the way that waters in the southern oceans mix, a situation that has the potential to alter the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere and eventually could have an impact on global climate change, a Johns Hop...

  • 臭氧影响大豆产量

    12-10-31 People tend to think of ozone as something in the upper atmosphere that protects Earth's surface from UV radiation. At the ground level, however, ozone is a pollutant that damages crops, particularly soybean. Lisa Ainsworth, a University of Illinois...

  • 火山气体有损臭氧层

    12-06-13 Giant volcanic eruptions in Nicaragua over the past 70,000 years could have injected enough gases into the atmosphere to temporarily thin the ozone layer, according to new research. And, if it happened today, a similar explosive eruption could do th...

  • 岩石断裂释放臭氧可作为地震前兆

    11-11-18 Researchers the world over are seeking reliable ways to predict earthquakes, focusing on identifying seismic(地震的) precursors that, if detected early enough, could serve as early warnings. New research, published this week in the journal Applied...

  • 南极臭氧空洞引起澳大利亚干旱

    11-04-22 The Antarctic ozone hole is about one-third to blame for Australia's recent series of droughts, scientists say. 科学家称,澳大利亚近期一系列的干旱1/3的原因是由于南极臭氧空洞。 Writing in the journal Science, they conclude that the hole has shifted w...

  • 臭氧可用于储存蔬菜水果

    11-04-11 Storing fruits and vegetables in ozone-enriched environments reduces spoilage(损坏,糟蹋) explains a scientist at the Society for General Microbiology's Spring Conference in Harrogate. Dr Ian Singleton explains how ozone treatment could be a safe,...

  • 北极上空臭氧消耗严重

    11-03-15 Unusually low temperatures in the Arctic ozone layer have recently initiated massive ozone depletion(消耗,枯竭) . The Arctic appears to be heading for a record loss of this trace gas(微量气体) that protects the Earth's surface against ultraviol...

  • 联合国报告:臭氧层将于2048年完全恢复

    10-09-25 Ozone layer 'is no longer disappearing and will return to full strength by 2048', says UN report. 联合国报告称,臭氧层没有继续消失,并且会在2048年前完全恢复原状。 The ozone layer over Antarctica in September 1980, left, and how it looked this weeken...

  • 研究:野葛成为美国地表臭氧污染来源

    10-05-18 Kudzu(野葛) , an invasive vine(葡萄树,藤本植物) that is spreading across the southeastern United States and northward, is a major contributor to large-scale increases of the pollutant(污染物) surface ozone, according to a study published the...

  • 空气流动致使北美春季臭氧层变厚

    10-01-22 Springtime ozone levels above western North America are rising primarily主要地,根本上 due to air flowing eastward from the Pacific Ocean, a trend that is largest when the air originates in起源于,发生于 Asia. Such increases in ozone could make it m...