• The remembrance of lilacs

    13-10-17 The family had just moved to Rhode Island, and the young woman was feeling a little melancholy(忧郁,悲哀) on that Sunday in May. After all, it was Mother's Day -- and 800 miles separated her from her parents in Ohio. She had called her mother tha...

  • sharents 分享父母

    13-09-12 Sharents are mums and dads who compulsively post pictures and blog, tweet etc about their offspring. Typically in their thirties, they represent the generation who were early adopters of social media and so feel comfortable sharing their thoughts on...

  • 西班牙:未成年人饮酒 父母可能受罚

    13-06-11 为打击未成年人饮酒行为,西班牙政府考虑对因饮酒屡次入院治疗的青少年家长罚款。西班牙卫生部正在考虑将对父母罚款这一项提议加入《防止未成年人饮酒法案》。 Spain's government is considering a proposal to fine the parents of teenagers who are repeatedly fou...

  • smartphone nanny 手机保姆

    13-05-21 When parents are too busy to spend time with their kids, they give them a smartphone or a tablet. All kinds of online games will entertain their kids and be their good friend. And once the children are addicted to these games, they will leave their...

  • 亲子同床易导致婴儿猝死

    13-05-21 Parents who share a bed with their breastfed baby could face a fivefold increase in the risk of crib death(婴儿猝死综合症) , even if the parents do not smoke, according to a new study. The research was led by the London School of Hygiene Tropical...

  • 车祸相关词汇

    13-05-13 The parents are irresponsible and the passers-by are cold and heartless. 父母失责,路人冷漠。 Stop being indifferent! 请停止冷漠。 passers-by 过路人 heartless people 无情的人 hit-and-run incident 肇事逃逸事故 rubbish collector 拾垃圾的人 surveillanc...

  • A sweet night

    13-04-08 LAST autumn my parents were studying in Canada, and brought me over with them. It was soon my birthday. Then came Halloween. Once I asked Mum why there was Halloween. She told me a lot about ghosts. I couldn't remember it all. I just remember that m...

  • 《后裔》二

    13-03-28 片段对白 Scottie: I don't like eggs. Matt: Why didn't you tell me before I made them? Scottie: I thought they were for you. Matt: Good morning. How you feeling? Hung over? Why am I not surprised? I thought you were supposed to be getting your act to...

  • 孩子睡眠问题也会导致父母离婚

    13-03-24 As any parents of a young child who is a problem sleeper will confirm, permanent tiredness and constant irritability can put a huge strain on your relationship. In fact, according to a survey, lack of sleep is a big factor in divorce and separation...

  • Club-sandwich generation 多层三明治一代

    13-02-28 Club-sandwich generation refers to people who provide care for their parents, children, and grandchildren. 多层三明治一代(club-sandwich generation)指同时要照顾父母、孩子以及孙辈的一代人。 The sandwich generation of middle-aged family members who h...