• 几种常用的数字相关口语-时刻

    22-06-09 1. 表示整点用基数词加可以省略的oclock 5:00 读作 five oclock 或 five 2. 表示几点过几分,在分钟后加past,再加小时 7:05 five past seven 6:30 half past six 8:15 a quarter past eight 3. 表示几点差几分,在分钟后面加to,再加小时 7:50 = 差十分八点 = ten to...

  • run it past you 请教一下,请过目

    21-07-07 Run something past someone或run something by someone的意思是把某件事告诉某人以得到理解、意见或批准,尤指把一种想法、一份文件给他人讲解或让人过目。这是我们在办公室与同事和上级沟通时常能用到的口语搭配。 例句 Can I quickly run the script past you befor...

  • be no longer what it used to be 今非昔比

    21-06-24 今非昔比,汉语成语,是指现在不是过去能比得上的,多形容形势、自然面貌等发生了巨大的变化,可以翻译为the past cannot be compared with the present或be no longer what it used to be。 例句: 那个穷山村今非昔比,家家都看上了电视。 The poor mountain village...

  • 从前慢

    21-06-17 从前慢 Slower Days in the Past 作:木心,译:永清 记得早先少年时 大家诚诚恳恳 说一句是一句 Remember young days in the past. People were sincere and honest. They honored what they said. 清早上火车站 长街黑暗无行人 卖豆浆的小店冒着热气 Early morning i...

  • 过去完成时怎么用

    21-05-18 时态(tense) 是英语语法中的一大难点。尤其是当一个句子中存在不同时态的时候,要想准确地把握句意,就需要理解每个时态的具体用法。我们用过去完成时谈论过去某个时间点之前已经发生的事情。过去完成时的结构是什么?当一句话中,过去完成时和过去时同时出现时,哪...

  • a chequered past 好坏参半的过去

    21-05-10 搭配 a chequered past 或 a chequered history 字面上的意思是 斑斑驳驳的过去,但其实际意思是比喻一个人过去的经历好坏参半。单词 chequered 原本指 格子图案的,在这里它形容人跌宕起伏的过去。 所以,搭配 a chequered past 多用来告诫人们某人曾作过不光鲜的事情...

  • 怎样用 “used to” 描述往事?

    20-10-16 你小时候经常做的事情是什么?当我们向他人提起往事时,常用到搭配 used to。你知道如何正确地使用这个搭配吗? 1 Used to describes repeated actions or habits in the past. Used to 可以描述过去时常做的事情或过去的习惯。 I used to play football after school....

  • 翻旧账怎么说

    17-01-23 dredge it up Its the media who keep dredging it up. 是媒体一直在翻旧账。 rake up the past Raking up the past will only make things worse. 重翻旧账只会使事情更糟。 quibble over the appetizers When you quarrel with a close friend, talk about the main...

  • 我们正在起跑点

    11-12-21 We are reading the first verse of the first chapter of a book whose pages are infinite--- I do not know who wrote those words, but I have always liked them as a reminder that the future can be anything we want to make it. We can take the mysterious,...

  • Cherish the Present

    10-04-26 No difference in the past, non-attachment the future, do not play on the now. Anju now, and happy to live the moment, which Buddhist(佛教徒) Feeling deep sentence, which fell heart, the mind immediately let me have far-reaching everywhere cool. Th...