• 令美国人糊涂的英式短语 下

    22-04-28 6. Swings and roundabouts. Swings and roundabouts 在英式英语中意为不同的行动或选择最终都造成毫无收益或毫无损失的情况,或所得和所失相抵消,是不是有点殊途同归或是失之东隅,收之桑榆的意思呢?更为完整的短语是to gain on the swings and lose on the roundab...

  • ten a penny 多得遍地都是

    21-12-02 便士 penny 是英镑中价值最小的货币单位。用一便士 a penny 就能买到的东西一般情况下不珍贵,而且价值较低。因此,表达 ten a penny 用一便士能买到十个既说明该事物随处可见,价格很低,又可以形容一类人或一种行业到处都有,多得遍地都是。 例句 Builders are ten a...

  • a penny for your thoughts 你在想什么?

    21-07-12 A penny for your thoughts是Ill give you a penny for your thoughts 我可以给你一便士买你的想法的缩写。这是一个常用的英语表达,实际含义是你在想什么呢?如果你看到某人在一旁安静地沉思,就可以用这句话来向这个人打招呼,问对方在想什么,询问他们的想法。 例句...

  • 如何含蓄地损人

    17-04-11 1. He has two brains; one is lost and the other is out looking for it. 他有两个大脑,一个丢了,另一个去找去了。 2. She got into the gene pool while the lifeguard wasnt watching. 她肯定是趁救生员不备,跳进过基因池。 3. During evolution, his ancestors...

  • You may put my beard on again

    13-10-14 A man who sold brooms went into a barber's shop to get shaved. The barber brought one of his brooms. After he had shaved him, he asked for the price of the brooms. Two pence, said the man. No, no, said the barber. I will give you a penny, and if you...
