• 人的个性会随时间发生改变

    20-08-29 Between adolescence and adulthood, you go through a host of changes -- jobs, regrettable haircuts and relationships that come and go. But what about who you are at your core? As you grow older, does your personality change? 从青少年到成年,你经历了...

  • 音乐品味可以透露出人的性格信息

    18-06-03 Whether you prefer sophisticated or simple music could reveal a lot about your personality. 你对复杂音乐或者简单音乐的喜好可以透露关于你性格的大量信息。 If you like simple acoustic tunes, you are likely to be talkative and energetic, and if youre an...

  • 走路方式可以透露人的性格

    16-10-05 The way people walk can provide clues about their personality, claims a new study. 一项最新研究显示,走路的方式可以透露一个人的性格。 Using motion capture technology, researchers found that movements reveal certain personality traits, such as aggres...

  • 头像照片隐藏着你的性格线索

    16-05-31 Is your profile photo bright and cheery, or is it a brooding work of social media art? 你的头像照片明亮愉快吗?抑或是社交媒体艺术孕育的成果? According to a new study, these distinctions contain key clues about your personality and can reveal whethe...

  • 研究:音乐与个人性格之间的联系

    16-04-18 Heavy metal fans are often considered antisocial and aggressive, while those who prefer slow love songs might be thought of as soppy, and classical music fans are seen as pretentious. 重金属音乐迷往往具有反社会人格和侵略性,喜欢慢情歌的人往往是多愁...

  • 符合性格的消费可以带来快乐

    16-04-08 Money could buy happiness if your purchases fit your personality, according to a new study that examines nearly 77,000 actual UK bank spending transactions. The study, published in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychologica...

  • 黑猩猩具有与人类相似的性格

    14-05-07 Chimpanzees have almost the same personality traits as humans, and they are structured almost identically, according to new work led by researchers at Georgia State University. The research also shows some of those traits have a neurobiological basi...

  • dessert personality 甜心性格

    13-12-10 Dessert personality refers to the finding that people who like dessert are more likely to be kind and warmhearted. This word comes from an American research report, which revealed that people's dessert preferences have something to do with their dis...

  • 动物性格同样具有不可预测性

    13-11-01 A Deakin University study has found for the first time that, just like humans, unpredictability(不可预测性) is also a consistent behavioral trait in the animal world. Animals are known to show consistent individual differences in behavior, which i...