• 监控椿象数量的天然方法

    14-07-19 Anyone who has squashed(压扁) a stink bug(椿象) knows why they got their name. Although just a nuisance(令人讨厌的东西) to homeowners, the insects feed on and damage fruits and vegetables, causing significant economic losses for farmers. Now s...

  • 美国兴起新式约会 费洛蒙约会

    13-11-30 美国纽约、洛杉矶等城市最近兴起了一种名为激素约会的方式,参与约会的单身男女,先不与对方见面,而是闻一下对方的T恤之后,再决定要不要继续下去。据说两人相投的话,他们的气味也会相互喜欢。 Sniff your way to love? Singles who have attended so-called pheromo...

  • Gene tweak boosts fly sex appeal 基因促使苍蝇对同类更有“吸

    09-10-15 Flies that cannot make a type of pheromone are sexually irresistible to other flies - regardless of gender. 苍蝇自身并不能制造出一种不可抗拒的性吸引外激素排除性别因素。 The pheromone-secreting cells expressed a fluorescent protein Scientists bred fr...
