• 3-minute passion 分钟热度

    22-10-12 做事情只有三分钟热度?这是否也一直困扰着你呢?今天我们就来看看如何用英语来表达三分钟热度。 3-minute passion is a Chinese saying which refers to a person having a limited passion or a passion that doesnt last long toward something/someone that he/she...

  • 麦田里的守望者 Chapter 20

    22-09-14 I kept sitting there getting drunk and waiting for old Tina and Janine to come out and do their stuff, but they werent there. A flitty-looking guy with wavy hair came out and played the piano, and then this new babe, Valencia, came out and sang. She...

  • intermittently 断断续续

    22-05-18 断断续续,汉语词语,意思是时而中断,时而继续。可以翻译为 intermittently,off and on或discontinuous等。 例句: 我断断续续地好不容易弹完了那支钢琴曲。 I stumbled through the piano piece with difficulty....

  • be out of tune 跑调儿

    21-11-19 K歌是朋友聚会的首选娱乐活动,在KTV里,你是麦霸,还是跑调儿歌王? 跑调儿,也称走调,意思为演唱或演奏时发出的音调不准(singing or playing notes that are at the wrong pitch),英文翻译为be out of tune,strike a wrong note。 例句: 恐怕这架钢琴走调了。...

  • 当作曲家遇上人工智能钢琴

    21-09-14 Alexandros Markeas has been making music pretty much his entire life. But now, he is no longer making it on his own. 亚历山大马凯亚斯几乎一生都在创作音乐。但现在,他不再只靠自己创作了。 He sits at his piano, improvising, composing, bringing together...

  • Little Women - Chapter 19

    20-09-27 While these things were happening at home, Amy was having hard times at Aunt Marchs. She felt her exile deeply, and for the first time in her life, realized how much she was beloved and petted at home. Aunt March never petted any one; she did not ap...