• 《水形物语》精彩词句

    23-01-29 1. Tragedy and delight... Hand in hand. 塞翁失马,焉知非福。 2. Id waste away if you werent here looking after me. 要是没你在这照顾我, 我就会日渐消瘦了。 3. I made Brewster pigs in the blanket tonight before leaving. 我今晚走之前给布鲁斯特做了面包...

  • to be in a pickle 身陷困境

    22-02-15 这个俚语一般指某人遇到了困难,也经常说 to be in a bit of a pickle,意思就是,你遇到的困难并没有那么严重,而且,你也不想将困境描述的那么严重。 Were in a pickle Weve just locked the keys in the car! 我们遇到麻烦了,把钥匙锁在了车里!...

  • to be in a (bit of a) pickle 碰到小麻烦

    21-12-14 泡菜 pickles 有时候真的是特别的酸, 也不是一个人人都能接受的口味。这个词出现在短语 to be in a pickle 中的时候,意思是碰到了麻烦。不过一般用来形容不方便的情况,而不是指真正很严重的问题。 例句 Im in a bit of a pickle. I invited two women to be my plus...

  • 为什么圣诞树上会挂腌黄瓜状饰品

    18-12-26 Every year, families across the US and the UK hang up quirky little pickle-shaped ornaments when it comes time to trim their Christmas trees. 每年圣诞节,美国和英国的家庭都会在圣诞树上挂上新奇有趣的腌黄瓜状小饰品。 The practice is favored by many En...
