• mechanical placebo 机械安慰剂

    17-09-26 Mechanical placebo refers to a device or object that appears to perform a specific function, but in fact does nothing at all. 机械安慰剂指的是看上去似乎能完成某种特定功能,但其实什么也做不成的装置或设备。 It is an impressive looking device or scheme...

  • placebo button 安慰按钮

    17-03-22 A placebo button is a push-button with apparent functionality that actually has no effect when pressed. Such buttons can be psychologically rewarding to pressers by giving an illusion of control. 安慰按钮指的是表面上看具备某种功能,但实际按下去却没...

  • 睾酮可提高绝经女性的记忆力

    13-06-19 Postmenopausal(绝经后的) women had better improvement in verbal learning and memory after receiving treatment with testosterone gel, compared with women who received sham(虚假的) treatment with a placebo, a new study found. Results were presente...

  • 97%的英国医生对病人使用过安慰剂

    13-03-22 A survey of UK doctors found that 97% have prescribed placebo treatments to patients at least once in their career. Researchers at the Universities of Oxford and Southampton in the UK discovered that 97% of doctors have used 'impure' placebo treatme...

  • 对照剂有一定的实际效果

    10-12-23 For most of us, the placebo effect is synonymous with(与同义) the power of positive thinking; it works because you believe you're taking a real drug. But a new study rattles this assumption. Researchers at Harvard Medical School's Osher Research C...
