• double-hundred action 双百行动

    20-10-31 我国将继续推进国企改革双百行动,以推进即将出台的国企改革三年行动方案,增强企业核心竞争力,并增强持续增长动力。 China will continue to promote the double-hundred action to enrich the upcoming three-year action plan for reform of State-owned enterpris...

  • feel a sudden urge to do something 心血来潮

    20-10-22 心血来潮,汉语成语,形容一时冲动,忽然起了某个念头。可以翻译为be prompted by a sudden impulse; be seized by a whim。常用表达如心血来潮想做某事(feel a sudden urge to do something)。 例句: 心血来潮改变原计划,那怎么行呢? How can we change our origi...

  • 这真是个好主意!

    20-10-19 1. What a brilliant idea! 真是一个好主意! 这是一个以疑问词what开头的感叹句,表示赞叹。在这个句子里,形容词brilliant也可以换成其它表示好、棒的形容词。比如:marvellous、fantastic、great。 2. Seems like an excellent plan. 这个计划看起来很棒! 这句话的...

  • Little Women - Chapter 35

    20-09-28 Whatever his motive might have been, Laurie studied to some purpose that year, for he graduated with honor, and gave the Latin oration with the grace of a Phillips and the eloquence of a Demosthenes, so his friends said. They were all there, his gra...

  • Jo's Boys - Charter 13

    20-09-16 I dont expect to hear from Emil yet, and Nat writes regularly, but where is Dan? Only two or three postals since he went. Such an energetic fellow as he is could buy up all the farms in Kansas by this time, said Mrs Jo one morning when the mail came...

  • 中国将加快国家公园试点项目

    19-01-14 China will push forward the construction of pilot national parks and draw a general plan for the development of national parks this year, according to the countrys forestry authorities. 2019年中国将推动试点国家公园的建设,为国家公园的发展指定一个总...

  • 中国将进行三年交通发展规划

    18-06-26 China will implement a 3-year action plan to improve its transport network and services, according to the Ministry of Transport. 中国将执行一项为期三年的改善交通运输网与服务的行动计划。 The plan reaffirmed Chinas goals in building a fully-fledged tr...

  • 中国将研发600km/h磁悬浮列车

    18-01-26 China will develop a prototype magnetic-levitation train with a top speed of 600 kph by 2020, according to its developers. 中国将于2020年前研发出一种最高时速600千米/小时的磁悬浮列车原型。 On January 25, 2018, a review committee consisting of 19 Chin...

  • 美国国会通过1.5万亿减税法案

    17-12-22 The US Congress has just approved the countrys biggest tax code overhaul in 30 years, marking the first major legislative victory for the Trump administration. 美国国会刚刚通过了近30年内最大的税法改革,这是特朗普政府首个重大的立法胜利。 Officially k...

  • 海昏侯墓将打造成国家级考古遗迹公园

    17-12-04 Chinese authorities have approved a plan to turn the tomb of the Marquis of Haihun into a national-level archeological relics park. 中国政府计划将海昏侯墓打造成一个国家级考古遗迹公园。 The tomb, dating back to Western Han Dynasty (206 B.C.- 25 A.D.)...