• 中国驻北极科考站已开始运行

    19-05-27 Chinas first North Pole scientific research station, the Yellow River station, began its expedition this year. 中国在北极设立的首个科学考察站,黄河站,已开始科考项目。 Research team members at the Chinese North Pole Yellow River Station in Svalbard,...

  • 滑雪装备词汇

    16-06-02 snowboard 单板滑雪板 tipped ski 板头 tailed ski 板尾 ski break 止滑器 ski pole 滑雪杖 ski wear 滑雪衣 ski 滑雪板 tapering trousers 滑雪裤 ski boots 滑雪靴 snow training shoes 防寒运动鞋 binding 固定器 thermos 保温水壶 snow cap 雪帽 gloves 手套 ski g...
