• 减少温室气体排放将使6亿人面临严重水荒

    13-09-13 Our current pledges to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, which are projected to set the global mean temperature increase at around 3.5C above pre-industrial levels, will expose 668 million people worldwide to new or aggravated water scarcity. This is...

  • 世界粮食供给对农业微生物学有很大压力

    13-08-28 A greater focus on the role of microbiology in agriculture combined with new technologies can help mitigate(减轻,缓和) potential food shortages associated with world population increases according to a new report from the American Academy of Micr...

  • 肺结核病传播广泛的原因

    13-08-22 By any measure, tuberculosis (TB) is a wildly successful pathogen. It infects as many as two billion people in every corner of the world, with a new infection of a human host estimated to occur every second. Now, thanks to a new analysis of dozens o...

  • 加纳官员建议提高法定婚龄

    13-07-18 The legal age for marriage in Ghana should be raised from 18 to 23, chief government statistician Philomena Nyarko has said. 加纳政府首席统计学家菲洛米娜尼亚科称,法定婚龄应该从18岁提升至23岁。 This would make women better prepared, physically and m...

  • 哺乳动物能“选择”后代的性别

    13-07-11 A new study led by a researcher at the Stanford University School of Medicine shows that mammalian species can choose the sex of their offspring in order to beat the odds and produce extra grandchildren. In analyzing 90 years of breeding records fro...

  • 2025年全球人口将达到81亿

    13-06-21 The United Nations forecast Thursday that the world's population will increase from 7.2 billion today to 8.1 billion in 2025, with most growth in developing countries and more than half in Africa. By 2050, it will reach 9.6 billion. 联合国6月13日最...

  • 城市是一种新的复合体系

    13-06-21 Cities have long been likened to organisms, ant colonies, and river networks. But these and other analogies fail to capture the essence of how cities really function. New research by Santa Fe Institute Professor Luis Bettencourt suggests a city is s...

  • 人口增长给哺乳类与鸟类带来生存压力

    13-06-20 The ongoing global growth in the human population will inevitably crowd out(挤出,推开) mammals and birds and has the potential to threaten hundreds of species with extinction within 40 years, new research shows. Scientists at The Ohio State Unive...

  • 2050年全球人口将不再增长

    13-04-08 Global population data spanning the years from 1900 to 2010 have enabled a research team from the Autonomous University of Madrid to predict that the number of people on Earth will stabilise around the middle of the century. The results, obtained wi...

  • 冰原融化使阿德利企鹅种群繁盛

    13-04-07 Adlie penguins may actually benefit from warmer global temperatures, the opposite of other polar species, according to a breakthrough study by an international team led by University of Minnesota Polar Geospatial Center researchers. The study provid...