• holiday pounds 假期胖子

    16-08-24 Holiday pounds refer to the extra little bit of weight you put on during a period of being on holiday or vacation. Holiday pounds指休假或者节假日期间额外增长的那部分体重,我们可以戏称为假期胖子。 For example: Man, when I get back to work Ill have to...

  • Road Metal

    16-07-29 Road Metal Timothy McBride -- for my grandmother, Margaret Kelly You dont need that, shed tell us when wed beg Two cents for bubblegum or licorice. A bricklayers daughter, shed grown up hard As cement -- never reached 100 pounds, Lived on potatoes a...

  • snack o'clock 零食钟

    16-04-29 Those trying to lose weight are at the highest risk of lapsing in their efforts at 11.01am, 3.14pm and 9.31pm - now known as snack o clock . 每天上午11点01分、下午3点14分和晚间9点31分是人体的零食钟时间,人们在这个时间胃口大开,想要减肥的人可能会管不...

  • Oliver Twist 雾都孤儿 - Chapter 2

    16-01-06 For the next eight or ten months, Oliver was the victim of a systematic course of treachery and deception. He was brought up by hand. The hungry and destitute situation of the infant orphan was duly reported by the workhouse authorities to the paris...

  • 英国现当代“守财奴” 一生存25万镑

    12-02-25 Gordon Hewitt, a penny-pinching eccentric who used to read his paper in his car to save electricity, has left behind a 250,000 fortune after a lifetime of scrimping. 英国守财奴戈登休伊特在吝啬了一生之后,留下25万英镑的遗产。这位守财达人曾经为了省电...
