• 电影种类

    20-09-22 thrillers 惊悚片 science fiction 科幻片 comedies 喜剧片 romantic comedies/romcoms 浪漫喜剧片 westerns 西部片 costume dramas 古装剧 horror 恐怖片 animated film 动画片 action 动作片 historical film 历史片 swordsmen film 武侠片 detective film 侦探片 et...

  • 《黑衣人:全球追缉》周五上映

    19-06-13 Chris Hemsworth and Tessa Thompson attended the world premiere of Men in Black International in New York on Tuesday (11JUNE2019). 克里斯海姆斯沃斯与泰莎汤普森周二在纽约参加了《黑衣人:全球追缉》的国际首映式。 Hemsworth and Thompson step into the rol...

  • 《权力的游戏》最终季举行首映

    19-04-08 Cast members, both past and present, have gathered in New York for a premiere of the final season of Game of Thrones. 《权力的游戏》最终季在纽约举行首映。 The red-carpet premiere has included actors Kit Harington, Peter Dinklage, Sophie Turner and E...

  • movie trailer 电影预告片

    12-01-18 In Wei Nan's opinion, movie trailers play a dominant role in all the means of encouraging people to see a movie. 在魏楠看来,电影预告片是促使观众去看电影的最主要的一个手段。 在上面的报道中,movie trailer就是电影预告片。为了吸引更多观众走进电影院,制...

  • 《哈利·波特》完结篇7日全球首映

    11-07-09 全球卖座电影《哈利波特》完结篇7日在伦敦举行全球首映,数千名来自世界各地的影迷冒雨忍寒排队等候;三位主角都表示,告别哈利波特令他们感到难过与不舍。 Film farewells don't get much bigger than Harry Potter, and thousands of fans prepared on Thursday to s...

  • 杰克逊纪录片广受粉丝好评

    09-10-29 Michael Jackson's concert documentary, This Is It, has been warmly received by the late singer's fans after its worldwide premiere. Michael Jackson的音乐会纪录片《This Is It》全球同步公映之后收到粉丝的一致好评。 The movie was pieced together from 10...

  • Jackson movie to get mass worldwide premiere 杰克逊电影十月

    09-09-27 以迈克尔杰克逊生前演唱会排练视频为素材的电影《天王终点》将于10月28日在全球超过15个城市同步首映,并且限期公映两周。发行方索尼影业表示,洛杉矶会在当地时间10月27日举办大型红毯首映礼,而参加同步首映的纽约、里约热内卢、伦敦、柏林以及首尔等城市则会通过卫...

  • Global premieres for Jackson film 杰克逊纪实电影全球同步上映

    09-09-23 The Michael Jackson film This Is It is to have simultaneous premieres in more than 15 cities around the world. Michael Jackson纪实电影This Is It将在全世界超过15个城市同时上映。 Jackson's last rehearsal was in Los Angeles two days before he died Citi...

  • 首映式 premiere

    09-08-16 当地时间8月10日,布拉德皮特与安吉丽娜朱莉出席了在好莱坞星光大道上举行的《无耻混蛋》首映礼。当天皮特与朱莉以黑色情侣装高调亮相,表现非常亲密,还在现场玩起了亲亲,打破之前的情变传闻。 请看外电的报道: Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie captivate the crowd a...
