• 世界上第一辆3D打印电动机车问世

    18-12-06 BigRep, a German industrial 3D printer based in Berlin, has unveiled the worlds first 3D-printed electric motorcycle. 德国柏林一家3D打印机企业BigRep展示了世界上第一辆3D打印的电动机车。 Except for the electronics, the bike is entirely 3D printed, inc...

  • 英国科学家用3D技术打印出人类眼角膜

    18-06-09 Human corneas have successfully been 3D printed for the first time by scientists at Newcastle University in England. 英国纽卡斯尔大学的科学家首次成功采用3D技术打印出人类眼角膜。 By mixing stem cells from a healthy donor cornea with alginate, a gel d...