• to throw money at (a problem) 为解决问题花大笔钱

    21-07-26 所谓向问题投掷金钱 to throw money at (a problem) 意思就是为解决问题花大笔钱。其含义是这种用钱解决问题的方法往往不灵,未必奏效。 例句 Theyve tried throwing money at the problem without any luck. Perhaps they should actually think more carefully about...

  • be easily solved 迎刃而解

    21-03-13 迎刃而解,汉语成语,字面意思是劈竹子,头上几节一破开,下面的就随着刀口裂开了([of a bamboo] split all the way down once its been chopped open)。比喻主要问题解决了,其他有关的问题就很容易解决。可以翻译为be easily solved。 例句: 思想问题解决了,矛盾...

  • 依存介词的用法

    20-12-07 1. The team had a discussion _______ the tactics for the next game. a) for b) of c) by d) about 2. She stayed positive while climbing the mountain and succeeded _______ reaching the top. a) in b) on c) over d) from 3. Im sure that we will find a sol...

  • 不客气

    20-10-17 1. Dont mention it. 别客气。 这句话直接翻译成汉语是:别提这件事了。说话者以此来表示自己认为这件事是小事一桩,不值一提。 2. Its my pleasure. 不用客气,是我的荣幸。 这也是回应他人感谢的常用说法。Its my pleasure.也可以简短地说成:My pleasure.。 3. No w...

  • too & very 的区别

    20-10-15 Very = 很 When we use very, its not clear whether what we are describing is a good or a bad thing. 当我们用 very 时,并没有说明所描述的事物是好是坏。 The building is very old. This could be a good thing: the building is old and beautiful. It could a...

  • cobra effect 眼睛蛇效果

    16-08-10 The cobra effect occurs when an attempted solution to a problem actually makes the problem worse. This is an instance of unintended consequences. The term is used to illustrate the causes of incorrect stimulation in economy and politics. 眼睛蛇效果...

  • 网上疯传的苹果香蕉椰子谜题

    16-02-20 A simple brainteaser for children has sparked an online debate, with many adults arguing about what the correct answer is. 一个看似简单的儿童谜语近日在网上引发热论,很多成年人为正确答案到底是什么争论不休。 The apples, bananas and coconuts conundrum...

  • 来自越南小学的烧脑数学题

    15-05-30 The latest brain-mangling maths puzzle to hit the news is from Vietnam. 最近登上新闻头条的烧脑数学题来自越南。 It's posted above. You need to fill in the gaps with the digits from 1 to 9 so that the equation makes sense, following the order of opera...

  • 考研英语翻译的几个技巧

    15-04-09 一、增译主语 由于英文表达习惯,常常用一些抽象名词作为主语,而中文的表达习惯则需要把抽象变为具体;英文中常常会为了避免重复而多用介词,中文则不怕重复,一个词会用上好几遍;英语中的复数名词译为汉语时,常常加入这些、各种、种种等,要视具体语境情况而定。 T...

  • 丹麦公司酿制可以激发创造力的啤酒

    14-12-28 One enterprising Danish firm has now created a beer to boost creativity - and even a bottle that ensures you drink the perfect amount. 丹麦的一家积极创新的公司已经酿制出一种可以激发创造力的啤酒只需一瓶就能足够让你的创造力爆发。 Called the Problem So...