• 《疯狂外星人》精彩词句

    23-01-30 1. Give Daddy some sugar! 给爷来点掌声! 2. We are doomed! 我们死定了! 3. Who would wanna leave this behind? I have got to fix this. 谁愿意抛下这一切?我非得搞定不可。 4. Im trying to hide from the Boov. Im not bringing one with me. Youll just turn...

  • 《普罗米修斯》精彩词句

    23-01-30 1. If I didnt wear the suit, it would defeat the purpose. 不穿戴的话,就违背设计的初衷了。 2. Two thousand years, give or take. 两千年左右。 3. You could have compromised the entire mission. 你差点毁了这次任务。 4. I thought you might be running low...