• 尼加拉瓜一周内遭三次地震袭击

    14-04-15 A 5.1-magnitude earthquake shook Nicaragua on Sunday night, the third quake to hit the Central American nation within a week. 上周日晚,一场5.1级地震袭击尼加拉瓜,这是该国一周内发生的第三次地震。 Managuans spent the night in the streets as a number...

  • 智利发布海啸预警

    14-04-02 A quake of 8.2 magnitude has struck off northern Chile, triggering a tsunami alert and killing at least five people. 一场8.2级地震横扫智利北部地区,造成至少5人死亡并触发了海啸预警。 The US Geological Survey said the quake struck at 20:46 local time...

  • 菲律宾中部发生7.2级地震

    13-10-15 More than 30 people have been reported dead after an earthquake measuring 7.2 magnitude hit the central Philippines. 一场7.2级地震袭击菲律宾中部地区,造成至少30人死亡。 The US Geological Survey said the quake struck below the island of Bohol, known...

  • 印尼亚齐省发生6.1级地震

    13-07-03 Rescue operations are under way after a 6.1 magnitude earthquake hit Indonesia's Aceh province, flattening houses and causing landslides. 一场6.1级地震袭击印尼亚齐省,造成房屋坍塌并引发泥石流,救援工作目前正在进行中。 Dozens were injured by collapsi...

  • 大地震会引发全球余震带的活动

    13-04-22 In the global aftershock zone that followed the major April 2012 Indian Ocean earthquake, seismologists noticed an unusual pattern. The magnitude (M) 8.6 earthquake, a strike-slip event at intraoceanic tectonic plates, caused global seismic rates of...

  • 伊朗遭遇7.8级强震

    13-04-17 Iran has been struck by its most powerful earthquake for more than 50 years, with tremors felt across Pakistan, India and the Middle East. 伊朗遭遇近50年来最强烈的一次地震,巴基斯坦、印度和中东地区也能感觉到震颤。 The epicentre of the 7.8-magnitude...

  • 巴布亚新几内亚发生强地震

    13-04-17 A strong earthquake has struck Papua New Guinea's northern coast, causing residents who feared a tsunami to seek higher ground. 巴布亚新几内亚北部海岸发生一起强地震,大批民众因惧怕海啸纷纷躲到高处。 The quake, which the US Geological Survey says had...

  • 哥斯达黎加发生7.6级地震 两人死亡

    12-09-06 A powerful earthquake in north-western Costa Rica has killed two people. 哥斯达黎加西北部发生强地震,两人死亡。 The Red Cross said a 55-year-old woman died of a heart attack in Guanacaste, near the epicentre of the quake, and a construction worker w...

  • 克莱斯特彻奇发生两次强地震

    11-12-23 Two strong earthquakes have rocked the New Zealand city of Christchurch, closing the airport and sending residents rushing from buildings. 两场强地震袭击了新西兰城市克莱斯特彻奇,致使机场关闭、民众纷纷冲出房屋。 The first 5.8 quake struck at 1358 lo...

  • decisive victory 决定性胜利

    11-11-30 Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao said the post-quake reconstruction effort in Sichuan Province has achieved its goals and registered a decisive victory during a recent inspection tour in the province. 温家宝总理近日在四川考察时表示,汶川地震灾后恢复重建实...