• 量子点颗粒:新一代的硅片

    16-02-26 Just as the single-crystal silicon wafer forever changed the nature of communication 60 years ago, a group of Cornell researchers is hoping its work with quantum dot solids - crystals made out of crystals - can help usher in a new era in electronics...

  • 硫化铁量子点能提高电池性能

    15-11-18 If you add quantum dots - nanocrystals 10,000 times smaller than the width of a human hair - to a smartphone battery it will charge in 30 seconds, but the effect only lasts for a few recharge cycles. However, a group of researchers at Vanderbilt Uni...

  • 量子计算机升级

    15-10-28 Within the last several years, considerable progress has been made in developing a quantum computer, which holds the promise of solving problems a lot more efficiently than a classical computer. Physicists are now able to realize the basic building...

  • 自旋纠缠电子

    15-07-02 A team from the RIKEN Center for Emergent Matter Science, along with collaborators from several Japanese institutions, have successfully produced pairs of spin-entangled electrons and demonstrated, for the first time, that these electrons remain ent...

  • 硅量子点为基础的新一代白绿LED照明系统

    15-06-08 A Si quantum dot (QD)-based hybrid inorganic/organic light-emitting diode (LED) that exhibits white-blue electroluminescence has been fabricated by Professor Ken-ichi SAITOW (Natural Science Center for Basic Research and Development, Hiroshima Unive...

  • 硅量子点电控制

    15-04-13 A UNSW-led research team has encoded quantum information in silicon using simple electrical pulses for the first time, bringing the construction of affordable large-scale quantum computers one step closer to reality. Lead researcher, UNSW Associate...

  • 实现量子计算技术重要的一步

    15-03-31 Physicists at the Universities of Bonn and Cambridge have succeeded in linking two completely different quantum systems to one another. In doing so, they have taken an important step forward on the way to a quantum computer. To accomplish their feat...

  • 量子实验验证了爱因斯坦“鬼魅般的超距作用”

    15-03-25 An experiment devised in Griffith University's Centre for Quantum Dynamics has for the first time demonstrated Albert Einstein's original conception of spooky action at a distance using a single particle. In a paper published in the journal Nature C...

  • 量子物理学没我们想象的那么复杂

    14-12-23 Here's a nice surprise: quantum physics is less complicated than we thought. An international team of researchers has proved that two peculiar features of the quantum world previously considered distinct are different manifestations of the same thin...

  • 量子力学计算展现酶活性位点的隐藏状态

    14-11-25 Enzymes carry out fundamental biological processes such as photosynthesis, nitrogen fixation and respiration, with the help of clusters of metal atoms as active sites. But scientists lack basic information about their function because the states tho...