• down the rabbit hole 掉进无底洞

    21-04-17 表达 down the rabbit hole 用来描述陷入一个愈发奇怪、令人摸不着头脑或出人意料的状况,而且一件事情促使另一件事情的发生,接连不断,因此越陷越深、无从脱身。 Down the rabbit hole 因出现在英国作家刘易斯卡罗尔的文学作品《爱丽丝梦游仙境》中而被人广泛使用。...

  • 世界最大的兔子4月10日深夜被盗

    21-04-16 吉尼斯纪录中全世界最大的兔子大流士,于4月10日深夜被盗。兔子的女主人安妮特爱德华兹4月12日在网络上公布爱兔失踪的消息,并悬赏两千英镑寻失兔,请好心人们提供消息,目前英国警方正在努力搜寻这只巨大的兔子。 One of the biggest bunnies in the world is missing...

  • 你有什么借口?

    21-02-27 兔子啦,还有小狗小猫啦,都曾被英国人当作他们不想去上班或学生没有完成作业的借口。不过你可是没有任何理由不来读一读这篇文章啊! Have you ever taken a sickie? If so, what did you say to your boss? It seems many people in the UK like to blame their pets...

  • 大白兔奶糖风味牛奶上市

    19-07-31 Chinas iconic candy brand White Rabbit has launched its first flavored milk. 中国标志性糖果品牌大白兔发布旗下首款风味牛奶。 The new milk, which went on sale last week, is the outcome of a partnership with Chinas well-known dairy company Bright Dairy...

  • 大白兔奶糖风味牛奶上市

    19-07-31 Chinas iconic candy brand White Rabbit has launched its first flavored milk. 中国标志性糖果品牌大白兔发布旗下首款风味牛奶。 The new milk, which went on sale last week, is the outcome of a partnership with Chinas well-known dairy company Bright Dairy...

  • 复活节为什么要吃巧克力兔?

    19-04-20 As far as holidays go, Easter is second only to Halloween in American candy sales - thats a lot of chocolate bunnies. 就节假日而言,复活节的糖果销量在美国仅次于万圣节:其中有很多是巧克力兔。 Easter - the most spiritually significant holiday of the C...

  • 大白兔奶糖味润唇膏大受欢迎

    18-12-10 Lip balm with the flavor of Shanghais iconic White Rabbit Creamy Candy has gained a massive following since sales started earlier this year. 今年年初上市销售的上海大白兔奶糖口味的润唇膏已获大批追随者。 The lip balm, with the iconic white rabbit logo...

  • 英国皇家铸币厂推出彼得兔纪念币

    16-03-08 The Royal Mint has chosen Beatrix Potter's thieving Peter Rabbit as the first character from children's literature ever to appear on a UK coin. 英国皇家铸币厂将首次把儿童文学中的角色印到硬币上,而这款硬币的主角就是儿童画家碧雅翠丝波特笔下爱偷东西的...

  • 属兔人的性格特征

    16-02-05 Although generally calm, gentle and loving, Rabbit people can be very ambitious and intuitively know how to get ahead in the world. They are good listeners, kind and sweet by nature, and are therefore often sought out as popular and trusted friends....

  • clique-stalking 调查某人的朋友

    15-08-20 Clique-stalking is the act of surreptitiously investigating a persons friends or social media connections. Clique-stalking指偷偷调查某人的朋友或社交媒体人脉的行为。 Clique-stalking happens when you fall down the rabbit hole of clicking the names tag...